Making money with FEAR

Ibanez | Jan

Just posting .gifs
Dec 1, 2009
[ame=]School Backpack with RynoHide Inside - YouTube[/ame]



I lol. This guy knows how to do it.

Don't wanna know how many sales he does every day.

There is a need - parents are freaked out about their kids getting shot up at school
The guy is filling the need - helps the parents feel a tad bit more secure

Most people make money based on fear and emotion. If you haven't figured that out, you have much to learn, young Padawan.

Respect the hustle.
There is a need - parents are freaked out about their kids getting shot up at school
The guy is filling the need - helps the parents feel a tad bit more secure

Most people make money based on fear and emotion. If you haven't figured that out, you have much to learn, young Padawan.

Respect the hustle.

Absolutely, the guy knows his shit and found his USP. I just feel that buying your kid a bullet proof backpack is pretty fucked up.

Pecunia non olet anyways.
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That's hilarious. He needs an aff program.

PS - I agree, we need to start selling children small arms. How else can they protect themselves? I'd rather have a gun in my shield backpack than try and fit in behind it as I run.
Fear for safety, security, well being, nourished are basic human emotions one cannot escape.

Goes without saying it sells.
What happens if the attacker uses an armor piercing round or just walks up to them and shoots them in the top of the head while they're cowering behind their backpack in the corner?

Respect the hustle. Worthless product.

I've always wondered why don't all the concerned parents get together, pool some cash and hire some private security guards to patrol the school grounds. Even if those guys make $500/hr a group of 100 parents could all toss in $5/hr for a trained, well armed guard to be there.
I've always wondered why don't all the concerned parents get together, pool some cash and hire some private security guards to patrol the school grounds. Even if those guys make $500/hr a group of 100 parents could all toss in $5/hr for a trained, well armed guard to be there.

This is bursting with so much logic.

Unfortunately some people can't get over the reality of the world and want to think schools are still safe zones. If they'd just use some common sense you'd probably see some sophisticated private security at all schools. Instead, they want to take away guns from the people who don't use them irresponsibly.

I wish they'd take your suggestion, though. It makes way too much sense.
Don't underestimate the power of fear. In order for there to be a sale, you either have to use fear or overcome fear.
I have bulletproof body paint. I just paint my daughter every morning with it.
Even if those guys make $500/hr a group of 100 parents could all toss in $5/hr for a trained, well armed guard to be there.

LOL. You really think parents are willing to pay $700/month for security guards? Da fuk you smoking? I work in the debt relief industry, most middle Americans can't afford a $150/month interest payment.
LOL. You really think parents are willing to pay $700/month for security guards? Da fuk you smoking? I work in the debt relief industry, most middle Americans can't afford a $150/month interest payment.

So let them persuade other parents its a good idea. My 100 parents number was just an example. I dont know how many kids went to your school but mine was well over 5000. At the end of the day it could end up costing them less than $50/mo.
So let them persuade other parents its a good idea. My 100 parents number was just an example. I dont know how many kids went to your school but mine was well over 5000. At the end of the day it could end up costing them less than $50/mo.

why not just tax the parents and let the gov pay for it?
Nothing like wasting time lifting your bag up behind your head when running, so instead of getting your head blown off, you get shot in the spine and end up paralysed for life.

I've always wondered why don't all the concerned parents get together, pool some cash and hire some private security guards to patrol the school grounds. Even if those guys make $500/hr a group of 100 parents could all toss in $5/hr for a trained, well armed guard to be there.
At Columbine they had tons of SWAT, yet it took 2 hours after it started, and an hour after they'd already killed themselves, before they entered the building.
So let them persuade other parents its a good idea. My 100 parents number was just an example. I dont know how many kids went to your school but mine was well over 5000. At the end of the day it could end up costing them less than $50/mo.
It matters not.

The kind of parent that would care so little about their child to let it go to a public school is the kind of parent that would feel like they are entitled to have everything given to them for "free." (Not to mention that they'd also believe that the government has their best interest at heart.)
I think y'all should watch this doc:

Guy does cold calls in Iraq selling armored cars. Says stuff like, "People need to die to improve the product." Gets shot at in his armored car by a prospective buyer. Gets turned down by one agency, but then a reporter is killed and get gets an order for 50 cars.

Just watch it.

[ame=""]Bulletproof Salesman - YouTube[/ame]

Part 1
[ame=""]Bulletproof Salesman - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
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I think y'all should watch this doc:
Watch Bulletproof Salesman Online | Netflix

Guy does cold calls in Iraq selling armored cars. Says stuff like, "People need to die to improve the product." Gets shot at in his armored car by a prospective buyer. Gets turned down by one agency, but then a reporter is killed and get gets an order for 50 cars.

Just watch it.

Bulletproof Salesman - YouTube

Part 1
Bulletproof Salesman - Part 1 - YouTube

That was pretty amazing. Thanks.
Nothing like wasting time lifting your bag up behind your head when running, so instead of getting your head blown off, you get shot in the spine and end up paralysed for life.

At Columbine they had tons of SWAT, yet it took 2 hours after it started, and an hour after they'd already killed themselves, before they entered the building.

The most cost effective, simple answer would be to let properly trained teachers carry firearms in schools.

Of course, many progressives in the US Hate this idea because they feel that no one outside of the military & police should have firearms at all.

Statistics tell us that armed, trained teachers would be just as effective as police officers at a nearly non-existant cost (In my state, teachers can get their training absolutely free). But then again, it wouldn't fit the narrative that progressivism in America is leading people to.