Making Money On Facebook

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I think you can put AdSance on your FaceBook page.
It's one idea
Think about it like this. If someone is advertising on your site w/ adsense, it means they're probably making money off their offers paying MORE per click than you recieve(since Google takes a chunk).
Now, these offers(or similar) are most likely are available to you. This is ESPECIALLY true for facebook. So why not just run them yourself?
Which is why I say adsense is for suckers.

The only way I'd run it on an app is to chill and wait for everyone to site target my app. As soon as I see one ad dominating? Remove adsense, promote it myself.

Seriously though. Get out of the adsense mindset. It's small time trash.
Are there any affiliates you guys would suggest for my games' website? I'm still using Adsense, and wouldn't mind experimenting with affiliate marketing to see if I derive better results.
Awesome; I'll give the prior two suggestions a shot. If anyone has any other offers that they think will work well, do let me know! :)
Facebook is just a tool, just like big G, Y! & MSN & All the other ways to generate targeted traffic.
Facebook is just a tool, just like big G, Y! & MSN & All the other ways to generate targeted traffic.

Im writing an App, but have no idea how to monetize it. Its gonna get a shit load of views... absolutley no idea what to do with said views.

Can you use something like, or some other publisher network like adsense?
I just wonder why there is a lot of email I received from facebook inviting me to join and I don't know where they found my email add. lol.
It is free to add your submission to Facebook, you do not pay them and they do not pay you.. but you are locked into their policy which ensures your dependability to Facebook.
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