Making money off Obama

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Pepsi is getting in on it. Has anyone noticed how the new Pepsi logo looks strangely similar to the 'o' in the hope posters showing up at the inauguration?

Yeah, there was actually a story on NPR about this a week or so ago. Apparently some of their new commercials are evoking "hope" and "change" keywords, too. Pepsi rep said it was just celebrating the new national trends and that the logo wasn't directly Obama related. right.
Machine guns.....

I'm not joking, machine guns have outperformed the stock market & mutual funds in general since civilian production was outlawed in '86.

The average yearly gain has been something like 20% per year, vastly outperforming gold (Some have gone up 100 times).

I did check into machine gun affiliate programs, AND ONE EXISTS! But it's a leadshare program , and only pays $1 per person that signs up to view...not enough in my opinion when you're talking about a $20,000 product in most cases.
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