Make Sure to Dump your Bong Water


Cut to Black
Feb 5, 2008
Make sure to dump your bong water if you live in Minnesota. I don't own a bong but this still pisses me off.

MINNEAPOLIS — Bong water can count as a controlled substance, the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled Thursday in a decision that raises the threat of longer sentences for drug smokers who fail to dump the water out of their pipes.

In a 4-3 decision Thursday, the state's highest court said a person can be prosecuted for a first-degree drug crime for 25 grams or more of bong water that tests positive for a controlled substance.
The decision, which reverses two lower court rulings, came in the case of Sara Peck. Items seized during a search of her Rice County home in 2007 included a glass bong — a type of water pipe often used to smoke drugs — that contained 37 grams — about 2 1/2 tablespoons — of a liquid that tested positive for the presence of methamphetamine.

The Supreme Court said that unambiguously counts as a drug "mixture" under the wording of state law and sent the case back to Rice County District Court for further proceedings. The decision, authored by Justice G. Barry Anderson, noted that the liquid wasn't plain clear water, but had a pink color and fruity odor, and that a narcotics officer had testified that drug users sometimes keep bong water to drink or inject later.

The statute defines a drug "mixture" as "a preparation, compound, mixture, or substance containing a controlled substance, regardless of purity." When the language of a statute is unambiguous, the high court said, precedents prohibit courts from disregarding the letter of the law under the pretext of pursuing the letter of the law.

In a sharply worded dissent, Justice Paul Anderson said the majority's decision "does not make sense, and borders on the absurd." He said it isn't consistent with what the Legislature intended when it wrote the state's drug laws. And he blasted Rice County authorities for charging Peck with such a serious crime.

If bong water is considered a drug mixture, and it weighs enough to raise the crime to a first-degree drug offense, the presumed sentence for a first-time offender is seven years and two months in prison, and a felony drug offense goes on his or her record, Paul Anderson wrote. But if the bong water is treated as part of the drug paraphernalia, as the lower courts held, he wrote, the same defendant would face no more than a $300 fine and the petty misdemeanor conviction would not go on his or her record.
Bong Water Can Be Illegal Drug, Minnesota Court Rules - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

I don't see why. If marijuana is illegal, then something that proves you possessed marijuana should be just as illegal.

I don't think most drugs should be illegal.

That's my point. Marijuana shouldn't be illegal, bong water shouldn't be illegal, cocaine shouldn't be illegal. Stop the drug war.
"a narcotics officer had testified that drug users sometimes keep bong water to drink or inject later"

In your expert opinion do people drink or inject bong water?



Bong water is gross.
I'd find some kid that works in a donut shop and have them dump it into the donut batter. That way all the cops would fail their piss tests.
Ok, ok, but lemme pose a hypothetical -- what if that same woman had 1.0g of methamphetamine on her person, which the cops spotted, searched and seized, and was smoking out of a crack pipe. The cops write up a $300 ticket, until they go in her house, and find her gravity bong -- which, for the uninitiated, is basically that same crack pipe with a bath tub attached to it -- with twenty gallons of water in it. And all of a sudden, her sentence is 7 years.

This isn't about whether or not bong water should be illegal, it's about whether or not it should count as "a drug mixture" when the police are weighing your stash out at the station.

HINT: It should not.
I didn't believe anyone would ever drink bong water... so I had to search... I was wrong

[ame=]YouTube - Dont Drink The Bong Water[/ame]
I don't see why. If marijuana is illegal, then something that proves you possessed marijuana should be just as illegal.

I don't think most drugs should be illegal.

Drug charges change by weight here. Water is heavy. Less than 42.5 grams of Marjuana is a petty misdemeanor with a maximum of a $200 fine. 3 tablespoons of bong water would be a Felony.
Drug charges change by weight here. Water is heavy. Less than 42.5 grams of Marjuana is a petty misdemeanor with a maximum of a $200 fine. 3 tablespoons of bong water would be a Felony.
Yeah, okay, so that's pretty retarded. If you're going to charge by weight, it should be by weight of controlled substance, not weight of H2O.
Yeah, okay, so that's pretty retarded. If you're going to charge by weight, it should be by weight of controlled substance, not weight of H2O.

They use the weight of the paper for blotter acid. The sentence can vary greatly because of the paper weight. Drug laws are retarded. But the DEA employs thousands and has a budget in the billions. Have fun trying to get shit legalized.
They rip Ganja plants out of the [ground|container|whatever] and weigh the whole plant, rootwad and dirtball to come up with weights there as well.

Total bullshit.
The decision, authored by Justice G. Barry Anderson, noted that the liquid wasn't plain clear water, but had a pink color and fruity odor, and that a narcotics officer had testified that drug users sometimes keep bong water to drink or inject later.

That's my point. Marijuana shouldn't be illegal, bong water shouldn't be illegal, cocaine shouldn't be illegal. Stop the drug war.

That's the funny thing with the gov campagins.

You can't win a WAR on drugs, a WAR on crime and certainly not a WAR on TERROR.

It's fluffy wording designed for a specific purpose.

I agree, most drugs should be legalised, but not exploited by pharma.

Bong ("Water Pipe") with no weed resin / tainted water = > no could be used to consume tobacco

Once it has ANYTHING indicating it's been used to consume marijuana it becomes PARAPHERNALIA.

I have a vaporizer. Completely legal to own, etc. Because the whip has chron it in, it becomes ILLEGAL....


circa all day long