Make a Newbie Provider Section in the BST

Yeah but that begets another problem -- those bans for not reviewing in time or reviewing properly are a very subjective matter. They take time to analyze and all the staff here is volunteer with a business to run.

Fuck even the service providers are not paying anything to WickedFire - it is all free, no posting fee or no revshare. On sites like flippa or 99design where they charge on every transaction, they can have staff who can spend time. But here it becomes a matter of giving priority to your own business or to a cause of greater good of community. You only have so many hours in a day.

And even if we start charging for transactions here, I am not sure that whatever revenue that makes is worth the time for Stan or Jon.

Okay babbling over and I am back to work.


Certainly WF should now be paid forums so that we can maintain the quality from a regular service provider to new bie.

I checked WF before few days ago as thanks money (to send money of my part, because I am earning from here and hence this is my responsibility to give back to this awesome forum) but did not find any link for that.

Regards ...
- Lalit
(We are always here to serve)
I'm all for a new provider section. My only question is when do they make the move from new provider, to trusted provider? The best way, in my opinion would be some sort of application which is reviewed by a mod, who then moves the thread. Or maybe a certain a amount of time the thread has been active without any major problems reported.

Another potential problem could be a lack of people willing to work with new providers (which is really how it should be anyway), with all of the already proven providers consolidated to their one section. I guess it should be up to them to give people incentive to work with them, but I could definitely see a lot of legit services having a hard time getting off of the ground if they are buried deeper in the forum.
Being new to the forum and a new provider (without a sales post yet.... ) I'm all in for newbie provider section.

I don't mind charging a bit less for a start just to gain any sort of reputation.

Main reason why I'm after this section is, it's not easy for new supplier to get his own thread (in standard BST) anyway, so again, section like that one will give more chances for new non tested supplier to start his venture, while will allow WF members to test new services/products and probably get better prices, so less risk involved.

From the participation in these 2 threads, if I were going to choose a mod it would be...

jryan21 - he gets straight to the point and has a good eye.
phrench - he also has a good eye and does not hesitate to call bullshit.
zingo - hate to self promote but yes I could do a good job - I spend at least 3 hours/day here.

I believe 3 would be a good number if we are all active.

Legendary post. Zingo rose to power as Ceasar
I want to recommend Zingo and i think he is the best BST MOD in this world.

He is spending his much time on this forum and he is really fast.

For Zingo 100++++ rep