MAGAZINE QUALITY CONTENT That RANKS -If you don't LOVE it, it's yours FREE!

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Order placed. Transaction ID #7XS509487S6993048
I have several good writers. Let's see how well this one stands up and compared. Man it's pricey tho :)

Got my articles, very quick TAT, good research and keyword density and good quality reading. Cheers!
hi Philips,

i'm interested to use your service, but i'm confuse how much should i pay if the writing is for online store content.

I need someone who can write a good copy content for my online store which niche is on gaming industry

pls let me know



I would suggest either magazine content or corporate level content for a site page like that -magazine quality would probably be enough in most cases, though if this is for a large online retail outlet corporate content would be the highest level of quality you could get that would enhance their branding. If you would like samples for the different levels shoot me an email or PM.

Wow. That was fast...and the quality of the article was A++. I will order for sure again this evening!


later edit: new order transaction ID 7CX48494KF504730W
I just got my articles and they are the best of any articles I have ordered on wickedfire...
The most expensive also but you really get what you pay for

highly recommended
Please could you send me an example of this:

"Highly optimized LSI articles. Your keywords will be inserted in to the title, the first few sentences and the last few sentences for optimal keyword placement. Keyword density will be between 1-3% and we will do our own LSI keyword research using proprietary software. We keep our fingers on the pulse of Google –and even the smallest beat of a change is immediately picked up and addressed by our team of professionals.
Price: $2 per 100 words (TAT: 24 hours per every 5 articles not including weekends)"

I cannot find any email contact of yours, can you send me your samples ASAP ?

I need to have some article contents and web content

pls let me know



I can't PM you due to your post count, but the email is:

Just got another set of articles from Philips. I enjoy reading this content by myself and hope that my competition will never know this source :2drinkspit:
I order some product reviews on another forum from Phillip and i must say the quality is amazing. The reviews are really interesting, flow really well, informative and really want to make you read more. From now on any product reviews I need in the future, I will be ordering from Phillip

It has nothing to do with greed. There's a few things you have to understand;

Most of the providers on here hire writers off freelancing sites and resell it to you at a profit. Its easy -but it produces sub par results. It's a brainless and easy way to start up a service and I've known guys who have done this just to make a few hundred bucks to skate by tough times.

We get our writers in several ways:

We advertise in universities, in local papers and online (we have people come directly to our site and apply) and we hire actual, guaranteed native english writers rather then the offshore junk content that passes itself off as native english on many freelancing sites. This costs a lot more then just throwing up a free ad online and hiring whoever stumbles over it -but its worth the extra quality.

For some of our writers (press releases, corporate content, etc) we hire through referrals. How come I have the writers who wrote for Disney, sony, Russel Bruson and so many other big brands? Better question: Why doesnt anybody else?? They're not hanging out advertising on Warrior that's for sure -I contact the brands directly and work my way to the contacts to set up deals. This is too much hassle for most providers to bother with. The content isn't cheap -I agree, but that's not what I'm trying to do and I realize that I'm missing a sizable chunk of the market by not selling a 3 dollar backlink article -and that's OK because everyone else is already doing that. I'm trying to bring a level of quality that 99% of providers are missing because they're running this as a hobby, hiring anyone that comes by and reselling them on here. And so I pay my writers more then the other guys here are paying theirs because I'm actually providing them with legit work.

I actually want to pay my writers decently for the work that they do and not just flip them for a quick buck while they slave away in some sort of virtual sweatshop pumping out article after article.

Of course I have the training materials (pdf books all writers are sent -separate ones for review writers, seo writers etc, video material being created right now, and much more behind the scenes) I don't know any other provider who does this -period. Is this necessary? Perhaps not -but it sure as hell makes a difference. This content service isn't how I make my living -you can check my warrior posts from a year ago when I was making 6 figures and doing absolutely nothing in the IM niche. I don't do much micro niche marketing or some of the other stuff that some of my buyers do -but I have websites, products and review sites like every one of my buyers do and I know what works as what doesn't. And I know the value of a good review. I've increased sales from certain single landing pages by over 150 bucks a day just by swapping out poorly performing copies. I split test the hell out of everything. If you check my content site you'll notice that it's changing almost everyday. I'm rotating copy, structure, images, everything on there and testing reletenlessly and this does cost me a pretty penny -but it pays for itself. I do things with a purpose, it's not just randomly thrown out there to make a quick buck.

When you're buying content to make a sale what you're really doing is investing in your future. If you're a manufacturer and you decide to upgrade your machinery to something more efficient, fast and effective it's going to cost you -but it pays in its results. Same thing online.

There's an attitude of hobbyism when it comes to internet marketing -low startup costs, low barrier of entry and a lot of guru's selling a get rich dream attract a lot of people who look at IM as a way to make a quick buck or two rather then build a long term business and real income. I'm not saying any of this about you -however there is a a lot of that out there. I couldn't believe that I couldn't find a decent group of content providers for my own businesses to outsource to when I was looking for them. So I built my own team -which now has obviously been way expanded since going public with it. But out of hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of content providers why do you think most of them are selling content between 3-6 bucks? Because its easy to sell, easy to get. I'm spending on offline ads, online marketing, training materials and numerous test pieces before hiring, getting my foot in the door and actually travelling out to MEET with some of my referral only copywriters. I guarantee you that my margins are probably lower on a sale then almost any other writer on here once you count in everything I do in the backend that isn't obvious to the buyer. This service goes beyond Wickedfire -WF has been awesome to me, but, to say that I'm being greedy is being inaccurate without knowing all the facts of how I'm running this service. Do I miss the mark sometimes? Yes, I will be the first to admit it. But I do my very best to rectify the situation in all cases and have never bailed out on a buyer. I treat this like a business not a forum post.

Hi Philip,

I was just casually looking through your business thread when I came across this informative post to one the comments your service had received. I am usually very suspecting of people promoting their brands and businesses online. You can't really tell because of everything being done virtually but I couldn't help dropping by and commenting on this laudable reply.

You have made a lot of extremely valid points in favour of your business. I'm assuming some or all of them are true (the truth and passion does come off quite clearly from your writing, even if it's been written by professional copywriter which I highly doubt :p). Kudos for your efforts and commitment to creating better and top notch content and working towards a more legit and interesting web. I hope other content providers take lessons from this and try to improve their services. I for one, has learnt a lot from this one single post about honesty and transparency.

Wish you all the best!

We’re finally bringing our most requested service –by far- out of private “beta” and out to the public.

After over 100 requests since January and over one month of getting feedback from a closed group of our top clients who got first dibs on this, we’re finally ready to roll this out to the public.

We’ve had over 100 requests for this service since January making it easily the most wanted service of ours. After looking around it became clear why: Nobody else is doing a half decent job providing it!

What is it?

Landing pages.

Not just any landing pages though. I managed to get one of the top copywriters in the world –the same guy who has written for Mr X, Richard Brunson, Perry Belcher, Fedex, Sony, Boeing among many, many others -to sit down and write copy for YOU. His private clients have made millions upon millions of dollars in sales between them using his brilliant copy -if that isn't proof enough that his copy just flat out delivers, then I don't know what is.

And due to frequency of orders, I’m giving away his copy at a rate that is actually lower then if you approached him yourself to write your copy directly –that is, if you could ever get a hold of him in the first place, which is next to impossible.

We offer the following 3 options for landing pages:

-Short (~100 words)

Medium (~200 words)

Long (~900 words)

TAT on all landing pages is 5-7 days.

Our landing pages include squeeze pages and all types of incent pages.

Best of all, I managed to knock out a deal with the writer to keep EVERY piece of copy ordered exclusively through me 100% confidential -your copy will never show up on his portfolio.

Spots ARE limited. We are working with only ONE writer on this one –great copy doesn’t write itself and it takes time and care to find the perfect words to stitch together. So when we sell out –we’re sold out until every client is satisfied. If you need a landing page you better act fast. Once our affiliate program launches -SOON- these prices will be going up (no joke)

Health-Landing-Page.doc (contains short, medium and long copy example)

Phillips Pierce
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