MAGAZINE QUALITY CONTENT That RANKS -If you don't LOVE it, it's yours FREE!

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Dec 27, 2011
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Why Both Fortune 500 Companies and 6-Figure A Year Marketers
Trust Us With Their Content

Words our clients have used to describe our writing…
“Brilliant!” “WOW” “Perfection”

“56% of businesses buying content online had actually seen a DECREASE in traffic, brand affinity and sales that they attributed directly to the content they were using” -2012, CMR study

Don't be one of them. We can help you.

Hi, my name is Phillips Pierce.

You may have never heard of me before and there’s a very good reason why… For the past several years me and my team of writers had been working in the shadows, providing Fortune 500 companies and heavy-weight internet marketers with award winning, ghost written content.

For years clients had been seeking us out, begging us to work with them because of the results that we delivered, time and time again.

What kind of results?

One of our clients experienced a “25% increase in conversion rates” after switching out his previous provider with our team.

Another one of our clients wrote us “Since we hired you guys to take over the writing of all our blog entries our earnings have soared! I can’t believe that we’ve been sitting on so much missed opportunity this entire time and you and your team of writers helped unearth it for us. Thank you!”

…Now we’re offering to work for YOU and deliver you the same kind of results.

We’ve worked with everyone from the solo-entrepreneur building a web business from scratch all the way up to multi-billion dollar companies. Our philosophy is the same whether you are big or small:

We believe that content drives results.

This is especially true online where your content is your only currency of value.

Yes, Content IS Currency.

Content is the common language online. Content is the very fabric that holds the web together. Your content will have a profound impact on your brand positioning, awareness and visibility.

This is regardless of whether you’re a blog or affiliate site owner, a corporate portal or an ecommerce store. People read before they buy and we understand the psychology and science behind the words that build trust and delivers results.

Who are some of the companies that have trusted our writers with their content? *


*Choose corporate content for these writers

Every piece of content should accomplish 3 things:

Be Visible: If the internet is the information superhighway then the search engines are the mode of transportation. Unfortunately out of the billions and billions of websites online only an extremely small fraction of a percent receive all of the traffic. Well written content just isn’t enough if your audience can’t even find it. We have a team of in-house search engine professionals dedicated to training writers the most cutting edge search engine optimizing techniques to make sure that your content isn’t lost in the shuffle.

Build Trust: We understand the key role of trust in business. This is nowhere more true then in the anonymous world of the internet. Without a face to communicate directly with your customers it’s going to have to be your content that builds the trust and brand loyalty that drives business.

Convert: All content is created with the aim of driving a result. However, a one glove fits all approach to content creation does not work. Whether you’re looking to make sales, collect opt ins or building a global brand, our team of professional copywriters will make sure that we deliver the exact results that you need.

What can you expect?

An increase in laser targeted traffic to your website or blog, (Readers will actually read what you have to say and click through, What a concept!)

Increased Search Rankings (Search engines want fresh, excellent quality content. The days when cheap outsourced content could bring you rankings are past and gone.)

Reduced cost (Building your own in house team of writers and infrastructure to support them will cost you over 100x what it costs to buy from us. We have already invested in the best writers and infrastructure. Writing is all that we do.

Increase revenue and sales (The more people actually read your articles and click through to your website or offer the more traffic you will receive and the more money you will make. Simple.)​

Our Services and Pricing:

SEO Article Writing
Highly optimized LSI articles. Your keywords will be inserted in to the title, the first few sentences and the last few sentences for optimal keyword placement. Keyword density will be between 1-3% and we will do our own LSI keyword research using proprietary software. We keep our fingers on the pulse of Google –and even the smallest beat of a change is immediately picked up and addressed by our team of professionals.
Price: $2 per 100 words (TAT: 24 hours per every 5 articles not including weekends)​

High Conversion Reviews
Written by direct marketing professionals, our product reviews will effectively communicate the benefits of your product in a gripping and effective way. We have pages and pages of emails from affiliate marketers all telling us the same thing; our reviews sky-rocketed their clickthroughs, their sales and their earnings.
Price: $5 per 100 words (TAT: 2-3 days for every 4000 words not including weekends)​

Magazine Quality Web Content
Your readers want to be entertained, engaged and informed. Our Magazine Quality Content is perfect for blog or authority site owners looking for interesting, engaging and well researched content to display their loyal readers. Remember; once you lose a reader you lose them forever. Our magazine quality content will keep them hooked to the very last word and begging for more.
Price: $5 per 100 words (TAT: 2-3 days for every 4000 words not including weekends)​

Corporate Level Copy For Companies, Brands And Product Owners (For Blogs, Site Pages and Sales Copies)
Your brand, your company and your products are all assets that need be preserved and amplified with the right messaging and voice for your market. We understand the value of a brand. If you represent a valuable brand in your market, you want to entrust only the best creative copywriters with your messaging and content. Our professional copywriters with backgrounds in Madison Avenue media writing have helped clients ranging from Fortune 500 corporations to internet marketers increase brand awareness, affinity and deliver measurable results in increased traffic and soaring sales. We are the most recognized group in professional web copy creation.
Price: $20 per 100 words (7 days per 3000 words)

Our copywriters have written for: MetLife, Federal Express, Walt Disney World, Sony, USAA, Home Depot, Bisk Education, American General Financial Group, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Boeing, Verizon, Ernst & Young, Deloitte & Touche, KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Arthur Andersen, BDO Seidman, Stephen Pierce, Russell Brunson, among many others.​

Press Releases

An excellent press release can provide your business with instant credibility and traffic. It’s the closest thing to a “short cut” you will find to creating an authority presence in your market. We will create professional and powerful press releases that will suck in traffic and establish you as the go to guy in your industry. Professional Media Quality.
Price: $35

eBooks & Short Reports

The fastest way to making a job killing income online is to sell your own product. There's one problem though: Where the heck do you get one??

Well, we're here to answer that question for. Our ebook writing services are the next best thing to a product in a box handed to you on a silver platter -actually, that's exactly what it is. We will create a professional, valuable and most of all money sucking eBook that you can sell over and over and over again at insane margins. Best of all, you can sleep well at night knowing that our highly researched ebooks will be providing your customers with useful, actionable advice that will help them achieve what they desire.​

We offer 5 options for ebooks:​


BUY WITH CONFIDENCE:If you don't absolutely love our content for whatever reason you may request a full, 100% refund within 3 days of receiving it and STILL publish it under your name -no catch. Only valid for orders of 5000 words or less for "SEO Articles" and 2000 words or less for "Magazine Quality Web Content" "High Conversion Reviews" and "Press Releases" only. All Sales for eBooks and Corporate content are final -though revisions will be honored until you are satisfied. It would be downright blonde to not take me up on this offer! I carry all the risk, you get all the upside!​


Thanks for the interest about our Ebooks and short reports.

I've uploaded two eBook examples that were written way before I turned this in to a public service -however we still have the same writer on board who wrote these plus, of course, other writers as well.

One 50 page and one 25 page example.

50 page eBook about adwords -

25 page eBook on self-esteem -

I don't have a 10 page report on hands right now but when I get back to the office I will be uploading one of those as well.

We have limited spots available for ebooks and reports right now so it's on a first come first serve basis -we will be updating the thread when we are full though and our soonest availability as well.

That said right now we're still open to taking orders for ebooks and reports.
New order placed.

Also, a late review on my previous order. Got a magazine style piece to put on the HP of a site. It was delivered to perfection, just had to slap it up.

Since then, the HP has slowly started regaining some rankings after being Panda-slapped.

Thanks for a great service!
Hey, I would like ten 500 word SEO optimized articles on e-cigarettes. How much would that cost me?


Our per 100 word price is $2. 10 x 500 words would be $100. You can place all orders, big and small through the checkout form.

Thank you.


Thanks a lot for the feedback! Great to hear about the improvement :)
Received my order in less than 24 hours. Very impressed with the quality and will definitely be using PhillipsPierce again very soon.

5/5 all around
I got an email yesterday from a customer who gave me permission to use it as a testimonial for my service. -bolding was added by me for emphasis.

"Hey Phil,

Your service rocks!

I bought a batch of articles and a few reviews from you a week ago and its turned 2 of my stagnating sites around. I'm finally starting to see positive movement in the serps after a few months of flat lining. I put the reviews on an affiliate site that I'm pushing with adwords and its bumped my conversion rates up 37%! Fucking unbelievable! I've jacked up my spend now and getting a lot more traffic while still in the black. I'm going to be placing another order in the next week or so once I get my new keyword list together.

Tell your writers that they did a great job. :)"

Also I've gotten a few questions in the past couple of days so instead of answering them again and again through PM I'm going to put a sort of mini FAQ below:


Q. Are your articles LSI:
A. Yes. We do our own LSI research and include 2-3 LSI keywords for each piece of content at 0.5 density of the main keywords.

How do you SEO optimize the content?
A: There's a few steps here.

1. Keyword is placed in title, first and last paragraphs of the content and in the body for a KW density of between 1-2%. We found anything higher then that ineffective and potentially risky.

2. As said above, our writers handle the LSI keyword research for 2-3 LSI's. Density at 0.5 ratio to the main keyword.

Q. What's the META Description included in your articles?
A. The meta description is the description that you will see pop up on search results as a description/snippet of your page. It also helps Google identify the topic of the page, though it's SEO value is now quite low. The value is simply having it as a quick, reader friendly summary to searchers so you don't have to waste your time coming up with a punchy line to sum up the page.

Q. Is the Magazine Quality Content and High Conversion Reviews SEO optimized as well?
A. Of course. They are still SEO content -they are just written to a higher standard of research and reader engagement.

Q: Why do your writers italicize certain words in the high conversion reviews?
A: This is not a mistake and the words italicized are not random. I've done a LOT of split testing on my own websites over the past couple of years trying to squeeze out higher conversion rates on everything I do. We all know that it's a hellavu lot easier squeezing more money out of existing traffic then finding more. I have found that by italicizing certain keywords that tickle certain emotions -such as excitement, curiosity, fear -to add emphasis to the hot botton issues of a review increases conversion rates by up to 30%. And no, I'm not exaggerating. This will of course depend on your market, the content and other factors but italicizing words vs not always brings me higher conversion rates in every market. In fact I had one of my clients test this out for himself and he wrote me:

"Hello, Phil
I wanted to say thank you.
I borrowed an idea from your service about italicizing words on content. Did some testing on my sites and today I had about a 23% higher rate"

So yes, this does work. Split test it yourself -if it doesn't work for you then change it to "regular", but we find italicizing, in most cases, boosts conversion rates and so we have it as part of our training material for our writers to study

Q. What's corporate content?
A. This has confused some people on the forum -think of corporate content as the top level of content writing -it can be used for your site pages, on blogs, as sales copy or anything else. The difference is that the corporate content will be written to a degree of perfection by professional copywriters who have written for some of the biggest brand companies and internet marketers alike. Corporate content can be used as any of our other content plus more -it will maintain and amplify your brand messaging, giving your brand a strong personality and stylistic presence online while significantly increasing reader engagement -and if you are selling something through the content -it will increase conversion rates and sales as well. This is professional copy by some of the best sales writers in the world -period. It's not cheap because it is the best and frankly -only- publicly available service of its kind online. You would need to go through a ton of hard to get referrals before ever getting in touch with these guys to begin with -and you'd be paying a lot more as well for a single one off gig.
Received the remaining articles of a bulk order ~25,000 words just now. This content rocks period, clearly written by native writers and error-free. Spent plenty of money with Philips now but the difference between $5 Engrish and $10 quality content that this seller produces is huge. Well worth it. Will be putting in another order shortly.
no doubt you guys produce legit content, but $5/100 words for the review articles? lol. it was high enough at the previous rate ($4/100 words). greed :<
no doubt you guys produce legit content, but $5/100 words for the review articles? lol. it was high enough at the previous rate ($4/100 words). greed :<


It has nothing to do with greed. There's a few things you have to understand;

Most of the providers on here hire writers off freelancing sites and resell it to you at a profit. Its easy -but it produces sub par results. It's a brainless and easy way to start up a service and I've known guys who have done this just to make a few hundred bucks to skate by tough times.

We get our writers in several ways:

We advertise in universities, in local papers and online (we have people come directly to our site and apply) and we hire actual, guaranteed native english writers rather then the offshore junk content that passes itself off as native english on many freelancing sites. This costs a lot more then just throwing up a free ad online and hiring whoever stumbles over it -but its worth the extra quality.

For some of our writers (press releases, corporate content, etc) we hire through referrals. How come I have the writers who wrote for Disney, sony, Russel Bruson and so many other big brands? Better question: Why doesnt anybody else?? They're not hanging out advertising on Warrior that's for sure -I contact the brands directly and work my way to the contacts to set up deals. This is too much hassle for most providers to bother with. The content isn't cheap -I agree, but that's not what I'm trying to do and I realize that I'm missing a sizable chunk of the market by not selling a 3 dollar backlink article -and that's OK because everyone else is already doing that. I'm trying to bring a level of quality that 99% of providers are missing because they're running this as a hobby, hiring anyone that comes by and reselling them on here. And so I pay my writers more then the other guys here are paying theirs because I'm actually providing them with legit work.

I actually want to pay my writers decently for the work that they do and not just flip them for a quick buck while they slave away in some sort of virtual sweatshop pumping out article after article.

Of course I have the training materials (pdf books all writers are sent -separate ones for review writers, seo writers etc, video material being created right now, and much more behind the scenes) I don't know any other provider who does this -period. Is this necessary? Perhaps not -but it sure as hell makes a difference. This content service isn't how I make my living -you can check my warrior posts from a year ago when I was making 6 figures and doing absolutely nothing in the IM niche. I don't do much micro niche marketing or some of the other stuff that some of my buyers do -but I have websites, products and review sites like every one of my buyers do and I know what works as what doesn't. And I know the value of a good review. I've increased sales from certain single landing pages by over 150 bucks a day just by swapping out poorly performing copies. I split test the hell out of everything. If you check my content site you'll notice that it's changing almost everyday. I'm rotating copy, structure, images, everything on there and testing reletenlessly and this does cost me a pretty penny -but it pays for itself. I do things with a purpose, it's not just randomly thrown out there to make a quick buck.

When you're buying content to make a sale what you're really doing is investing in your future. If you're a manufacturer and you decide to upgrade your machinery to something more efficient, fast and effective it's going to cost you -but it pays in its results. Same thing online.

There's an attitude of hobbyism when it comes to internet marketing -low startup costs, low barrier of entry and a lot of guru's selling a get rich dream attract a lot of people who look at IM as a way to make a quick buck or two rather then build a long term business and real income. I'm not saying any of this about you -however there is a a lot of that out there. I couldn't believe that I couldn't find a decent group of content providers for my own businesses to outsource to when I was looking for them. So I built my own team -which now has obviously been way expanded since going public with it. But out of hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of content providers why do you think most of them are selling content between 3-6 bucks? Because its easy to sell, easy to get. I'm spending on offline ads, online marketing, training materials and numerous test pieces before hiring, getting my foot in the door and actually travelling out to MEET with some of my referral only copywriters. I guarantee you that my margins are probably lower on a sale then almost any other writer on here once you count in everything I do in the backend that isn't obvious to the buyer. This service goes beyond Wickedfire -WF has been awesome to me, but, to say that I'm being greedy is being inaccurate without knowing all the facts of how I'm running this service. Do I miss the mark sometimes? Yes, I will be the first to admit it. But I do my very best to rectify the situation in all cases and have never bailed out on a buyer. I treat this like a business not a forum post.
Haha Ishbal just took one on the chin from Phil!

I have been using Phil's services since he first made it available online. While it's not cheap, calling him greedy is a joke! Ever since I replaced my websites content with his, my conversion rates have shot up by 15%+. You have to be smart enough to look at what you make not what you spend and a lot of people don't do this.


It has nothing to do with greed. There's a few things you have to understand;

Most of the providers on here hire writers off freelancing sites and resell it to you at a profit. Its easy -but it produces sub par results. It's a brainless and easy way to start up a service and I've known guys who have done this just to make a few hundred bucks to skate by tough times.

We get our writers in several ways:

We advertise in universities, in local papers and online (we have people come directly to our site and apply) and we hire actual, guaranteed native english writers rather then the offshore junk content that passes itself off as native english on many freelancing sites. This costs a lot more then just throwing up a free ad online and hiring whoever stumbles over it -but its worth the extra quality.

For some of our writers (press releases, corporate content, etc) we hire through referrals. How come I have the writers who wrote for Disney, sony, Russel Bruson and so many other big brands? Better question: Why doesnt anybody else?? They're not hanging out advertising on Warrior that's for sure -I contact the brands directly and work my way to the contacts to set up deals. This is too much hassle for most providers to bother with. The content isn't cheap -I agree, but that's not what I'm trying to do and I realize that I'm missing a sizable chunk of the market by not selling a 3 dollar backlink article -and that's OK because everyone else is already doing that. I'm trying to bring a level of quality that 99% of providers are missing because they're running this as a hobby, hiring anyone that comes by and reselling them on here. And so I pay my writers more then the other guys here are paying theirs because I'm actually providing them with legit work.

I actually want to pay my writers decently for the work that they do and not just flip them for a quick buck while they slave away in some sort of virtual sweatshop pumping out article after article.

Of course I have the training materials (pdf books all writers are sent -separate ones for review writers, seo writers etc, video material being created right now, and much more behind the scenes) I don't know any other provider who does this -period. Is this necessary? Perhaps not -but it sure as hell makes a difference. This content service isn't how I make my living -you can check my warrior posts from a year ago when I was making 6 figures and doing absolutely nothing in the IM niche. I don't do much micro niche marketing or some of the other stuff that some of my buyers do -but I have websites, products and review sites like every one of my buyers do and I know what works as what doesn't. And I know the value of a good review. I've increased sales from certain single landing pages by over 150 bucks a day just by swapping out poorly performing copies. I split test the hell out of everything. If you check my content site you'll notice that it's changing almost everyday. I'm rotating copy, structure, images, everything on there and testing reletenlessly and this does cost me a pretty penny -but it pays for itself. I do things with a purpose, it's not just randomly thrown out there to make a quick buck.

When you're buying content to make a sale what you're really doing is investing in your future. If you're a manufacturer and you decide to upgrade your machinery to something more efficient, fast and effective it's going to cost you -but it pays in its results. Same thing online.

There's an attitude of hobbyism when it comes to internet marketing -low startup costs, low barrier of entry and a lot of guru's selling a get rich dream attract a lot of people who look at IM as a way to make a quick buck or two rather then build a long term business and real income. I'm not saying any of this about you -however there is a a lot of that out there. I couldn't believe that I couldn't find a decent group of content providers for my own businesses to outsource to when I was looking for them. So I built my own team -which now has obviously been way expanded since going public with it. But out of hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of content providers why do you think most of them are selling content between 3-6 bucks? Because its easy to sell, easy to get. I'm spending on offline ads, online marketing, training materials and numerous test pieces before hiring, getting my foot in the door and actually travelling out to MEET with some of my referral only copywriters. I guarantee you that my margins are probably lower on a sale then almost any other writer on here once you count in everything I do in the backend that isn't obvious to the buyer. This service goes beyond Wickedfire -WF has been awesome to me, but, to say that I'm being greedy is being inaccurate without knowing all the facts of how I'm running this service. Do I miss the mark sometimes? Yes, I will be the first to admit it. But I do my very best to rectify the situation in all cases and have never bailed out on a buyer. I treat this like a business not a forum post.
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Received 10 articles last week, and once again, flawless and very engaging writing. More orders on the way.
Update: We are SOLD OUT of Corporate Content until the 15th of March.

You can still ask for a quote for a project through our form and we will get back to you in 2 days, but new orders wont be processed until the 15th.
Received my articles fast and re-ordered.

Phillip wrote a long response to a comment earlier. The points made are very obvious to any of us that care about not only building long term business but making a "better web" which may sound corny but that's what google wants and will they reward you for it.
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