Magazine-Quality Articles at $2/100 Words -> Only Pay if You're Satisfied

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Another 7 articles have just been finished and I am looking forward to more work. Just let me know what you'd like to to write about and I'll have a masterpiece ready for you asap :)

I've written 18 articles for WF members yesterday and now I'm ready to get back on the saddle. I'll be online for the next 15 hours or so, PM me or post here if you are in need of articles and I'll get the job done today.
Just letting you know that I'm online once again for about 15 hours or so and that I'm ready to get started. The articles which have been ordered yesterday have all been completed within a few hours for each customer, so I can get whatever job you may have done today: no excuses and as always, only pay if you're 100% satisfied (and it's nice to be able to say that all of the articles I've written for WF members so far have received some great feedback and that not even one has been refused) :)
Charlie knocked out 11 - 300 word articles for me in a day. I was able to launch my campaign the very next day. He is a great writer and knocks everything out fast. Gotta give him full Props.

Thanks for you help and you are on my list when I need good SEO writers.
PR: wait...
I: wait...
L: wait...
LD: wait...
I: wait...wait...
C: wait...
SD: wait...
hey man interested in getting a series of articles, written would be about 5000 words, so let's talk see what we can do, initially will take a short article see what we do

pm me or email me
hey man interested in getting a series of articles, written would be about 5000 words, so let's talk see what we can do, initially will take a short article see what we do

pm me or email me

I'm sure we can arrange something, I'll send you an email and we'll take it from there. If anyone else is interested in ordering articles, I'll be online for the next 15 hours and can get the job done today. I've written for 3 new customers yesterday and, as usual: all of my articles have been accepted and have received some great feedback :)
Very Nice Work!!

Just received my first set of 5 articles from Charlie and was very impressed.

I had a specific direction I wanted to take and he asked a few questions to fine tune the spin I wanted.

Results were better than expected - will use again.
Just received my first set of 5 articles from Charlie and was very impressed.

I had a specific direction I wanted to take and he asked a few questions to fine tune the spin I wanted.

Results were better than expected - will use again.

Thanks crooner, looking forward to receiving more work from you :)
Do you have any 400+ packages available. Subjects would be Travel, Electronics, Self Help.


For 400+ articles, I can offer you a 10% discount and the turnaround time will be amazing: I'll even work 15 hours/day if necessary, I'm the guy who always gets things done :)
It seems that there was a confusion: rjonesrace was interested in 400+ words/article, not in 400+ articles. I can offer a 10% discount, but only for orders of 100+ articles, since my rates are already way too low as it is.

No matter how many you'd like to order, my turnaround time will amaze you, and as usual: only pay if you are 100% satisfied with my services :)
Hi. Can a buyer send a list of words to be included in the articles (theme words). Please let me know - thx....
I'm online again for the next 15 hours and I'm ready to get started. So whatever you may need, throw it at me and I'll get the job done today.
This guy is the shit!

Amazing stuff. I got like 2k words in the space of a few hours. Exactly what I wanted.

For this price and this quality, you can't go wrong!
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