Mad Props to you PPV Guys


Dec 12, 2007
I'll start off by saying I have succeeded on a large scale with PPC, FB, and any other PPC platform you can think of. Thank god I have awesome campaigns running and I don't have to rely on PPV, because I FAIL miserably at it.

I have tried a few different things and nothing is working. I've had thousands of views on some campaigns without a single conversion. I've had campaigns with thousands of views and only a few conversions, never a profitable campaign. Obviously I won't be giving up but I gotta say, mad mad props to you guys who have mastered it, because it's making me feel like a complete n00b.

I am thinking I am probably targeting the wrong offers, because my placements are being pulled using tools like affportal, quantcast, compete, etc.

Back to work ...

Same here man. I've done very well with FB and PPC, but PPV is just not my thing it seems. But I'm sure there are people out there making a killing with it and it can't be too hard. Just need lots of testing...
It took me a few thousand bucks to find what works but it's definitely possible to get some money rolling in. I suggest giving it another go.

Most people use some kind of tools and techniques to find hundreds of target URLs to target and work with that, I have no idea how they make that work. I just find a high traffic site to use as my one and only target and find out how to make that convert. They usually don't have very much competition because most people think it's "common sense" that those sites wont convert. I just laugh at them and watch money roll in.

Some tips:

1) Use creatives and your own LPs. Directly displayin the advertisers LP hasn't worked too well for me.
2) While you can do it, it's hard to find a winner with rebills. Stick with short form first page submits.
3) Make your creative to the same theme as the target. CTR will skyrocket.
4) A short bold headline is the most crucial factor to your CTR. Along with an image.
5) DON'T USE CPVCOACH. That Will guy is a fraud and I'm gonna tear him a new asshole for tricking newbs into his "coach" sites.
Make your creative to the same theme as the target. CTR will skyrocket.

Just out of curiosity, how would this make your CTR skyrocket? (If the user hasn't yet seen the advertiser's page, why would the look of your landing page matching the advertiser's page even be relevant until the users clicks to the advertiser's page?)

Maybe you meant to say conversion rate, not CTR?
Just out of curiosity, how would this make your CTR skyrocket? (If the user hasn't yet seen the advertiser's page, why would the look of your landing page matching the advertiser's page even be relevant until the users clicks to the advertiser's page?)

Maybe you meant to say conversion rate, not CTR?

The target URL not the advertisers LP
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It took me a few thousand bucks to find what works but it's definitely possible to get some money rolling in. I suggest giving it another go.

Most people use some kind of tools and techniques to find hundreds of target URLs to target and work with that, I have no idea how they make that work. I just find a high traffic site to use as my one and only target and find out how to make that convert. They usually don't have very much competition because most people think it's "common sense" that those sites wont convert. I just laugh at them and watch money roll in.

Some tips:

1) Use creatives and your own LPs. Directly displayin the advertisers LP hasn't worked too well for me.
2) While you can do it, it's hard to find a winner with rebills. Stick with short form first page submits.
3) Make your creative to the same theme as the target. CTR will skyrocket.
4) A short bold headline is the most crucial factor to your CTR. Along with an image.
5) DON'T USE CPVCOACH. That Will guy is a fraud and I'm gonna tear him a new asshole for tricking newbs into his "coach" sites.

Good stuff, much appreciated. I definitely won't be quitting, I will figure it out one way or another :338:
Ive found PPV to be the easiest campaigns Ive ever run. But starting out, you need to understand what you are actually paying - Everybody says how cheap it is, but it's $5cpm+ (guess that doesnt really matter as the ROI is amazing)

AdOnNetwork min bid = $0.005 * 1000 = $5 cpm
MediaTraffic min bid = $0.015 * 1000 = $15 cpm

If youre running an email submit for example that pays $1.25, you need 4 conversions to break even on AdOn, and 12 on MediaTraffic. The way I do it is just by appending the target as a sub-id... that way I can just look at my reports at the network and sort by clicks/conversions.

AdonNetwork (You need to hardcode your destination URL's with ?kw=SEARCHTEXT)

$subid = @ $_GET['kw'];
//I always prepend ao or mt for AdOn or MediaTraffic

MediaTraffic (You need to hardcode your destination URL's with ?target_passthrough= )

$subid = @ $_GET['target_passthrough'];

edit: actually, on mediatraffic, you just have to tick it on, and it'll automatically append ?target_passthrough= ... but use the code to grab it so you can track

Give PPV another try.
Ive found PPV to be the easiest campaigns Ive ever run. But starting out, you need to understand what you are actually paying - Everybody says how cheap it is, but it's $5cpm+ (guess that doesnt really matter as the ROI is amazing)

AdOnNetwork min bid = $0.005 * 1000 = $5 cpm
MediaTraffic min bid = $0.015 * 1000 = $15 cpm

If youre running an email submit for example that pays $1.25, you need 4 conversions to break even on AdOn, and 12 on MediaTraffic. The way I do it is just by appending the target as a sub-id... that way I can just look at my reports at the network and sort by clicks/conversions.

AdonNetwork (You need to hardcode your destination URL's with ?kw=SEARCHTEXT)

MediaTraffic (You need to hardcode your destination URL's with ?target_passthrough= )

edit: actually, on mediatraffic, you just have to tick it on, and it'll automatically append ?target_passthrough= ... but use the code to grab it so you can track

Give PPV another try.

props dude. would rep if i wasnt red
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It took me a few thousand bucks to find what works but it's definitely possible to get some money rolling in. I suggest giving it another go.

Most people use some kind of tools and techniques to find hundreds of target URLs to target and work with that, I have no idea how they make that work. I just find a high traffic site to use as my one and only target and find out how to make that convert. They usually don't have very much competition because most people think it's "common sense" that those sites wont convert. I just laugh at them and watch money roll in.

Some tips:

1) Use creatives and your own LPs. Directly displayin the advertisers LP hasn't worked too well for me.
2) While you can do it, it's hard to find a winner with rebills. Stick with short form first page submits.
3) Make your creative to the same theme as the target. CTR will skyrocket.
4) A short bold headline is the most crucial factor to your CTR. Along with an image.
5) DON'T USE CPVCOACH. That Will guy is a fraud and I'm gonna tear him a new asshole for tricking newbs into his "coach" sites.

shiiiiiiit +rep bro
another suggestion would be to keep your lander very light size wise.
I found out that I was just burning cash using very nice creatives and good looking landers.

when testing simple/very basic landers my coversions went up like crazy.

load times is very important when marketing thru PPV.

and another very basic rule is to keep your landers under 750x550
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Here is my hopefully useful post.

Since you are good at PPC, PPV should be easy for you, Hopefully my explaination below can help you get over that hump.

People on search engine have three mindsets/modes
Browser mode
Research mode
Buying mode

Now, let's exam the entire consumer purchase process.

  1. User browse around and thought of something (Browse mode, oh shit, that chick got white teeth with sexy smile)
  2. User wants to know more about how to get white teeth and type in general keywords into search engine (Research mode, teeth whitening kits/strips)
  3. User done with research, type in specific product detail trying to make a purchase (buying mode, Crest Whitestrips )
  4. After typing in the buying mode keyword, user sees search engine listings, and start clicking shit trying to compare price and make a purchase(buying mode being turbo charged, start clicking all the sites that sell Crest Whitestrips)
  5. User browsing merchant website, clicking on the items and adding them to shopping cart (buying mode super turbo charged, Crest Whitestrips in the shopping carts)
  6. User clicks on check out and completes the purchase
PPC only give you control up to step 3, but PPV gives you control all the way down to step 6 (with less and less volume), if you know what I mean. People deeply involved beyond step 3 are in a more firmed mindset that they are ready to buy compare to people in step 3

So, if you are good at PPC, just take the same way you analyze your ppc campaign and apply to ppv.

Unless you are one of those ppc marketer that generate a huge list of keywords and dump it into adgroups to test, then sorry, learn how to be a better marketer.
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It took me a few thousand bucks to find what works but it's definitely possible to get some money rolling in. I suggest giving it another go.

Most people use some kind of tools and techniques to find hundreds of target URLs to target and work with that, I have no idea how they make that work. I just find a high traffic site to use as my one and only target and find out how to make that convert. They usually don't have very much competition because most people think it's "common sense" that those sites wont convert. I just laugh at them and watch money roll in.

Some tips:

1) Use creatives and your own LPs. Directly displayin the advertisers LP hasn't worked too well for me.
2) While you can do it, it's hard to find a winner with rebills. Stick with short form first page submits.
3) Make your creative to the same theme as the target. CTR will skyrocket.
4) A short bold headline is the most crucial factor to your CTR. Along with an image.
5) DON'T USE CPVCOACH. That Will guy is a fraud and I'm gonna tear him a new asshole for tricking newbs into his "coach" sites.

Great post!!

Does demographic targeting actually work on PPV? I manage to get profitable campaigns by targeting sites with targeted keywords (using URL scrapers etc.), but this method limits the traffic and also sets you up to compete on converting keywords like crazy.

It would obviously be better traffic and cost wise to purely target demographics, but are any of you pulling in the big bucks that way cause I can't seem to?

Also is it a case of taking a site with low bid and then testing products against it or would you do it the other way around (i.e. start with the products and find the site that the demo of that product visits)?
Does demographic targeting actually work on PPV?

Yes and No depending on how you target your demographic.

I am not going to use my campaign for example, so I am pulling out the following out of my ass, but it is the logic I use.

Let's say you are promoting a game and you just straight up target age/gender/income, then it is a crap shot, but if you target cartoon sites with a tweak to your lp, then it can work. I don't want to go into too much detail in the public forum, but this should be enough for you to think about.

Good luck bro!
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So are you saying that you always start with product first? Do you ever do site first then product?