LPLockdown - If You Like Giving Your Pages Away

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The internet is where you live dude. You make your money here. Your picture is posted all over. People can search and find out anything they want about you. And they will.

I make my actual income like any closet affiliate, my e-reputation has nothing to do with my business/life. I have a blog to share my experiences and help people out, because I do take part in events and some of this does translate to real life events.

guerilla said:
That's good because you're losing any respect and sympathy people once had.

And you're also making this about you and not Nicky, which undermines your other goal.

Seriously dude, stop fucking posting.

I'm losing respect from Wickedfire sheep. You think I really care about that?

Some of you people here are hilarious. A friend sends me that link, I found it funny, didn't think it was worth making a new thread over, so I posted it here. Some douche comes in and flips out on me (creating moar drama), and suddenly I'm the asshole for not caring what he thinks. The link I posted is funny, get over yourself I don't care about sympathy or respect. Just wanted to share a laugh.

Same with the "ask Nicky what he did" thread. I made my original post and for the most part said NOTHING. You fools turned it into a huge drama fest whining about him harvesting IPs...none of that done by me. Only when he made that ridiculous damage control thread did I step in and say "are you guys seriously buying this?" Then I was flipped out on for making so much drama in the first place.

Then Jon comes in and makes an entire fucking post backing what I said and agreeing with me. Did you flip out on him for it like you did me? No, because you're all sheep.

My God, you people are dumb.
Okay I think you're missing a couple key points :

1) It's THE INTERNET. I don't care if people make fun of me or respect me. I care if my actual friends and social life do that kind of shit.

2) Taking from the point above, I truly don't give a shit about anybody's opinion of me at this point. I called out Nicky on bullshit to try and help the sheeple that follow him, not for attention. I actually waited a day before I made my posts because I was debating just making a fake name to avoid most of the drama. But I just don't care - it's the internet.

Keep being a tough guy, hop on that e-bandwagon and hatehatehate.
Go steal more campaigns from clickconsultants...
I'm losing respect from Wickedfire sheep. You think I really care about that?

Did you flip out on him for it like you did me? No, because you're all sheep.

My God, you people are dumb.
First of all, I'm not sheep. I really don't give a fuck. I like WF but it has been circling the drain for awhile, like Jon, I am just trying to focus on making money and living a decent life.

You post over here, where you obviously have little respect for anyone, to use this as a platform to make your case. So while you claim we're all just sheep you needed these sheep [sic] and their venue to get attention for your issue.

Again, stop fucking posting dude. I don't have a problem with you or Nicky, but he is becoming the case study in how to deal with public issues, and you are becoming a case study in how to self-destruct.

And one more thing. Go fuck yourself with the "you're all sheep" stuff. Everyone knows that networking, trust and relationships are huge parts of being successful in business. You may have your homies, but you've turned off lots of people to you and your brand by continuing to post.

How that makes you any wealthier or happier is beyond me.
First of all, I'm not sheep.

I wasn't calling you a sheep (I don't think you're one personally), I was telling you who I thought I was losing respect from. I guess I should have specified...I assumed you knew that you weren't.

barman said:
this thread has made a U-turn right back down Drama Road.


Reputation was never really the point to begin with, all my complaints were with LPLockdown the product. The reputation/respect thing should have just been assumed going with a post like that. Unfortunately many people here did turn it into a ridiculous drama-thon and it was too juicy to stay out. There I said it.

And when people like to call me a jackass I just like telling them why they're wrong, I guess saying 'no offense' would be a lie but, it is the internet so I just assume you won't be personally harmed too much. Just because I know I'm not, I don't mind having an internet revolt against me haha. I can only be thankful enough that people care enough to make a huge deal out of this shit.
[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
Go steal more campaigns from clickconsultants...
I wasn't calling you a sheep (I don't think you're one personally), I was telling you who I thought I was losing respect from. I guess I should have specified...I assumed you knew that you weren't.

That is precisely what I'm talking about. There is obvious respect for Guerrilla. You were awfully quick to correct what you said. You didn't what him to misinterpret, because you apparently like the guy.

He can't be the only person on here you like. So how many other Guerrillas are on Wickedfire? How many other people are out there' that you like and want to be respected by, but have lost face with because you don't shut the fuck up?

How many potential Guerrillas are there? How many people have you blown a potential relationship with? We could have gotten along great, been best buds, called each other every day! That's getting sarcastic, but you get the idea. How many potential Guerrillas are out there that you wont ever have the opportunity to get to know? These people could have made you even more money, or made your life richer, but want nothing to do with you now, because you are apparently, a total tool?

That is just here, on Wickedfire, where the internet is, with billions of potential, life enriching, money making relationships that you could very well have blown because you don't care.

I'll stop. I made my point as best I can. Just know, if there is one, there are more. You really should seriously consider what is being said by me and others. You are not indestructible and you are blowing it.
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It's THE INTERNET. I don't care if people make fun of me or respect me. I care if my actual friends and social life do that kind of shit.

You don't care what we think, so you come on here to avenge your affiliate camping trip having been slapped down by Nicky in front of us last year.

Dude you are so lame...
I am happy that Uber posted this. +rep for that. I most admit, though, while you were the man up till about half of this thread, Uber, you have gone downhill since then.

Props to Nickycackes for awesome damage control. However, enforcing unecessary censorship was low. Get a grip of yourself.
1) It's THE INTERNET. I don't care if people make fun of me or respect me. I care if my actual friends and social life do that kind of shit.

It's the internet, but you lurked in the shadows for over a year for your chance to get revenge over an internet blog post.

So is your internet reputation important to you or not? It seems to me like you care if people respect you, judging by this entire thread.
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