LPLockdown - If You Like Giving Your Pages Away

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outing landing pages = ban?

Meh... you can have that LP. Ran it 1 day at a loss.

And this tool isn't going to block most knowledgable affiliates. I think most people realize that. It's for the DP, warrior shits that don't know what they are doing.

I really don't appreciate you linking my landing page up there... at all.

Unfortunately, you can't put WhoisGuard on .us domains. :sadcrying4:

But looking forward to another WF drama thread.
that LP is sucha big fail... Leonidus? ur a fool

outing landing pages = ban?

Meh... you can have that LP. Ran it 1 day at a loss.

And this tool isn't going to block most knowledgable affiliates. I think most people realize that. It's for the DP, warrior shits that don't know what they are doing.

I really don't appreciate you linking my landing page up there... at all.
Meh... you can have that LP. Ran it 1 day at a loss.

Really? It looks like you ran it for at least 6 months : - Site Info from Alexa

And this tool isn't going to block most knowledgable affiliates. I think most people realize that. It's for the DP, warrior shits that don't know what they are doing.

Exactly. Why do you care about blocking your page from warrior shits who don't know what they're doing anyway?
I really don't appreciate you linking my landing page up there... at all.

Yeah I guess I could have just made up a can have a mod go in and make it The point is still the same, you used LPLockdown and it made your page extremely vulnerable.
Lol, because I always name my landing pages and characters after myself too. Personal testimonials FTW. Fuck tha FTC!
I'm not being fooled. This is just a well orchestrated attempt to gather more affiliate IP's.

You've all been fooled suckas!
in before nicky posts about how he was "just going to ban you but..."

edit: nicky, I'm really on your side, this is a cool product; it's just going to take some work.
I ran it a long time ago... with a different landing page.. I don't think I need to tell you what kind it was from what we've all seen from affiliate trends in the past year

Anyways, Put this new LP up to test out PPV traffic cause the old one wasn't cutting it. Neither did this one. If you don't believe me... go for it... try it.

Oh yeah! Go fuck yourself.
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