LP Review Please (and Marketing Tips?)


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Hi all. I've been on WickedFire for some time now, and I am slowly working on building out an array of sites. One of the first sites is Business Blog Mentor, and I was hoping to get some thoughts from you all on the landing page I've built.

Am I missing anything? What would you change? I'd appreciate any experience or information you could share.

Also, I was wondering if service based offers at this cost do well with PPC marketing? Would businesses really be looking at Google Ads for such things, or should I try buying advertising on other sites, purchasing links, social bookmarking, etc?

Big fan of WickedFire (as you can see from the post I got written and put on Performancing.com)

In a bit of a rush, but I'll share this little bit of advice.
Your first 2 headlines are a bit repetitive.

After reading "You Need a Business Blog" I'm guessing people are already asking themselves why they need a business blog, which is your second headline.

My suggestion is that you change that first headline to something way more attention grabbing. As a business, you're telling me I need this thing, but I still don't seem to care enough.

Otherwise, I think the lander is pretty darn good, especially for one of your firsts.
Thanks for the once over. This is my first landing page attempt...

I'll work on the first headline more, try to refine it into something more attention grabbing. Again, really appreciate the help.
No links to offer above the fold. You really should put 1 or 2. Make all of your images link to the offer too.
the page is not sexy at all... have you looked at some of the pages for this type of content that are converting well? You might do some google searches, click the paid results that match the type of services you're selling on your page and learn from their layouts...

Whoever pays for traffic on google ppc knows that their page better convert or they lose money so if you watch and learn from their example i think you'll get a better idea.

Just my thoughts!
The $250 price hits me pretty hard. I skimmed thru, as I would if the site popped up from my search, and what I see.

1. Why do you NEED a Business Blog?
2. Give me $250 (aka. I want $125 an hour to help you)

When I see that, you havn't gotten to value yet, and it really turned me off. Value might be in the copy, but I didn't see that.

If I was chasing down your services by name, the price would not be an issue. However, being in the middle of everything, and just an ad for a search. Not gonna happpen for me.

The facts on the right, are confused for links. I see something set off like that, I'm assuming it's a list of article links. At least make them clickable for something.

But. It does look great.
If you can give it. the following things will help due to your hands-on niche

Telephone number
Mailing Address
Email Address
Instant Messaging Address
Name (debatable)
Photo (debatable)

These are business people who will be paying you to draw up their hopes and dreams. They want to get a handle with who they are dealing with. They just arent going to dump $250 in some guys paypal (unless pre-qualified) and cross their fingers.

you can also considering catching email and setting up a 7 day auto-responder course on why they need a business blog.
Most deaf on the making the right side clickable. I would say to other parts of the site. Which would be mini landers relevant to the content clicked.

I think you are trying to sell things to fast. There is very little information before you are asking for my money.

Highlight some more areas and move the final sales pitch down a bit. People scroll your site and if the "give me money" thing comes up before they even have a fell for things then it is not going to work.
Add more information, and tell more about myself. Not a problem. I'll be working on that tomorrow. :) Thanks all!