Fuck yes who's ready?
Never seen the show.
On a scale from The Bachelor (0) to The Sopranos (10), where does it rank?
tonight, 8/7central.
So fuckin stoked.
Never seen the show.
On a scale from The Bachelor (0) to The Sopranos (10), where does it rank?
I think like everyone possible comes back this season.
I just want to know what the island is, purgatory , hell , a alien world, or what?
I can't wait Only about 3 hours away.
So Lost is on season what?
Honest to god, the first season? 11. It really was the most riveting TV I've ever watched. Since then it bounces around from 7 to 10.
There are some characters that just make the show...
...and others I just can't stand.
So the 7 to 10 depends on who they are following that week.