Looking for serious help

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Thank you rento.inc

The reason why I chose to experiment with red titles is because my site default URL's color is red. So maybe this will somehow help.

Beth Kirsch Thank you for directing me to automotive affiliate. I contacted them to inquire about this program.

It seems that many of you are confident that my site can bring much better income. I am just curious if fine tuned properly how much do you think my sites can potentially make?

The most important thing is TRAFFIC.. and the way how you monetize that ;)
You've already have big traffic, now comes to monetize :D

I believe you can get more than $2000/month after finding good,relevant revenue program (adsense/auto affiliate/auto leads offer etc)

Just test everything ;)


Omega-Red said:
Thank you rento.inc

The reason why I chose to experiment with red titles is because my site default URL's color is red. So maybe this will somehow help.

Beth Kirsch Thank you for directing me to automotive affiliate. I contacted them to inquire about this program.

It seems that many of you are confident that my site can bring much better income. I am just curious if fine tuned properly how much do you think my sites can potentially make?
Hi Omega-Red, I run a few sites similar to yourself but for some reason have a slightly different story. For instance, my Porsche related site yesterday received only 5 clicks, but that's ok, because they were worth $2.02 between them, and my CTR for the day was around 13%.

My problem is traffic. If I had your level of traffic to my car sites, I would be making some nice money, so I think you really do need to look at ad placement and colors etc as everyone has been suggesting.

By the way my car sites are just a hobby anyway, so please go take a look and take whatever you need if it helps.

You will find the porsche site at www.theporsche.com and all the others are linked to at the bottom of that page.

Any chance of some links? :)

Hello Ferraristi

I can interlink with my digital-autos.com site if you like.

Guys can you please tell me what most of you do when it comes to things like placing banners. Is there a way
to place some sort of code on a specific spot of the html file that if in the future I would want to change
the advertisement all I have to do is enter one specific code or html file and it will change ads for all the html files of my website
instead of doing it manually by hand each and every single html.

Also can you please explain to me the thing about CPM advertisement. Now as I understood CPM stands for
Click Per 1000 impressions? So for example in the valueclick account it says eCPM is 2.50 so that means for every 1000 impressions of the banner I will be paid 2.50?
You should also test our CPA offers where you get paid on a lead basis. Payouts based on leads can often yield greater results than CPM, specially for a well targeted audience.

Re. the Red text on your Google, I realize you wanted to leave it red to match the theme of your site's default URL, but in that case, you should consider adding more red in there, to titles, etc. so it doesnt look like just the ads are in red.

g1c9 had a good point with "pictures above ads, make them look 1 and the same."

As far as your CPM question, CPM means how much you are paid per 1000 impressions. eCPM means the effective cost per 1000 impressions. So for example, if you are paid $12.00 per lead on CPA, and you had 15000 impressions, and generated 6 leads (6 X $12 = $72.00) , Your eCPM (effective cost per 1000 ) is ($72.00 / 15000)X 1000 = $4.80

At this point, you can compare it to how much you would have got if you sold your ad inventory on a CPM basis and decide which is better for you.

Hope I got this right, and didnt confuse anyone :)
Just a suggestion: You've got a big, long column on the left side that's empty; you might want to try a vertical ad there. It isn't well-blended with the copy, but right now most of it's empty, and might be a nice change from all-horizontal ads.
CoRegisteer.com Is that your affiliate company that you talking about that pays on lead basis? If so do you have advertisers that will targeted advertisement for my type of sites? Btw what does g1c9 mean by saying pictures above ads? I'm sort of confused.

wickedest I did think about placing ads there but that brings me to next question. How many ads per page would be ok enough for users not to get discouraged by site and how much would be ok for Google not to downgrade the site because of all the advertisement if such method exists?
Here are are few examples of Auto related CPA offers that payout on a lead basis:
Car Loan Offer: Auto Loans For Any Credit
Car Insurance Offer: Hometown Insurance Quotes
Car Price Offer: TrueAutoPrices (Free Quote!)

A lead constitutes a simple form with a few fields that the user fills out, and you get paid. Payouts range depending on the offer, but in this category, it can be anywhere from $5.00 and up per lead. Feel free to sign up at Affiliateer.com and start promoting these.

As for what g1c9 was saying: pictures above ads, she meant, when the adsense are displayed horizontally, have a small graphic appearing just above the ad. So, if there are 4 text links in the adsense ad, have 4 graphics relating to the same category, just above the 4 links.

Dude, I have NO idea why! Funny thing is I didnt even realize it until you pointed it out.

Must have be some subconscious shit... there was no name, and since the handle started with the letter g, I just subconsciously assumed you were a girl..

Anyway, Sorry abt that dude.

I'm just amazed that I caught my mind playing tricks on me :)
As far as ads in the left-side column, I think you'd be just fine placing a tall, slender ad in that blank space. Your site looks good and I don't think putting something there would make it too crowded.
find low performing page and take adsense off that page, one way to beat the smart pricing system :)

install adlogger.org and see your stat ;)
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