Looking for life changing books

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Prometheus Rising looks insane, the reviews on Amazon kind of gave me an idea of what I think it's about I'm definitely getting this book ASAP. Thanks nevele.

Here's some titles I saved from that ZenHabits post, all of these were discovered reading the comments.

Way of the Peaceful Warrior
Everyday Enlightenment
The Power of Now

Also came across LibraryThing | Catalog your books online looks pretty interesting. Thinking about reading the bible since I've noticed it getting tons of praise, even from non religious folks. Sooo many books out there... must focus... foundation first.
What I have sitting on my desk right now, have a shitload more if anyone is interested in a longer list

Richest man in babylon
How to win friends and influence people
More wealth without risk (not really life changing)
How to stop worrying and start living
Think and grow rich
The millionaire next door
7 habits of highly effective people
Optimal thinking
Flip and grow rich (I found armondo interesting so wanted to read it)

Look into them they might change life or way of thinking.. who knows.. :)
1 life altering event will change you more quickly then a 100 read books combined.
Harry Potter and Twilight Book Series. Just Kidding.

I would also have to say you should try Four Hour Work Week, it's a nice piece indeed. I have read "A Million Little Pieces" and "My Friend Leonard" by James Frey and I think they are also quite nice.
software, netbook
"The Luck Factor" by Richard Wiseman had a big influence on my thinking. I realized that we are masters of our fate, and that certain day to day behavioral changes can reset how well we do in life.

One of the principles I put into practice: Join forum, make smart friends, pay attention, $ucce$$.
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