Looking for life changing books

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New member
Nov 27, 2008
Found some stuff worth checking out over at ZenHabits but I though I'd come and ask some you guys and gals.

Any suggestions for books or a book that would contain things about life, psychology, human interaction, energy, confidence, self esteem and the unknown?

Trying to learn more about "life" I think I'm behind... or maybe it's all in my head.

So many books are potentially life changing, it depends on how receptive you are to the lessons therein.

Also, what specifically do you want to change about your life? And why?

If I were you, I'd get a book on meditation (meditation for dummies is a decent one), and follow the instructions there. Or do yoga, or martial arts, or Tai Chi, or something. Developing a practice like that will give you a lot more progress in self development than just reading stuff.

That's certainly what I found - I used to read loads of books, and I got a lot from them, but I never really applied it. Then I started working with a mentor, who got me doing meditation and a bunch of other stuff, and since then, it's like I learn things and apply things 10x faster. I read less books, but get a lot more from the ones I do read.
"The Four Hour Work Week" Tim Ferriss, I read it and said "damn, this has changed my life".

I also found "Outliers" or anything by Malcolm Gladwell to be very interesting.

"No Death, No Fear" by Thich Nhat Hanh was enlightening (and a relatively short book).

The Diamond Sutra is probably the ultimate.
"The Four Hour Work Week" Tim Ferriss, I read it and said "damn, this has changed my life".

Excellent choice and very inspirational, but don't expect any surprises if you are already living off your online adventures.
a book that would contain things about life, psychology, human interaction, energy, confidence, self esteem and the unknown?


[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Prometheus-Rising-Robert-Anton-Wilson/dp/1561840564"]Amazon.com: Prometheus Rising: Robert Anton Wilson: Books[/ame]

easily the most life changing book I've read.
cliche, but the damn truth.
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if you're open to Buddhist stuff I recommend picking up a copy of:

The Snow Lion's Turquoise Mane: Wisdom Tales from Tibet by Surya Das
For me:

Richest Man in Babylon
Rich Dad Poor Dad (cliche but classic)

Four Hour Work Week was decent but I wouldn't say it was life changing.

I've heard a lot of great things about Eckhart Tolle's work but I just can't sit through that new age stuff.
Agreed, just read it & wish I read this earlier. I'm not into traveling but it made me realize how much time I waste on things I can easily outsource.

Excellent choice and very inspirational, but don't expect any surprises if you are already living off your online adventures.
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