Looking for Craigslist Guru


New member
Sep 15, 2009
In need of a Craigslist guru for paid project... pm me if interested. Must be able to post in bulk. :boid:

I'm looking for a Craigslist posting service. 10ads a day in Jobs section. PM me if you can help
:conehead:Thanks for sharing.
craigslist sucks donkey dick. Fucking closing rate was less than 1% in my niche. Goodluck to yous though.
I'm doing some real estate recruiting on Craigslist and I'm starting to have issues with my posts being removed. If someone can bulk posts in various cities please PM me.
Hi, some members here asked us few questions but we can't use PM now,
because we just created this account.

Yes, we've used Craigslist for years and we are professional.
And we can post in any top 23 locations consistently.
We offer one ad for our potential clients FOR FREE to prove that the ad go live!

You can check my profile to get our website.
Call us for detail : (347) 480-1228
Or skype me : fox.securities.llc

If you still prefer to PM me, please LEAVE YOUR CONTACT INFO.
SAMMY What are your rates per posting if you post here for everyone to see that would help. also it is discerning that you cant figure out the 5 posts till pm thing. A CL guru should know that
Craigslist Advertising Service - 1 free post of your ad in any location

SAMMY What are your rates per posting if you post here for everyone to see that would help. also it is discerning that you cant figure out the 5 posts till pm thing. A CL guru should know that

Hi Charto911,

Our rates are listed in our website. Wasn't sure if it was a good idea to post something like that so blatantly on a forum that I just joined.

Joined wickedfire and that was the first post made, so wasn't able to receive PMs yet?

If you are having doubts about our service, we offer 1 free post of your ad in any section and any location on Craigslist. Feel free to call us to get your ad posted for free, since you are so concerned that we are illegitimate. :banana_sml:

Never said we are CL guru's. CL is always changing and we have to adapt to their changes quite frequently. However, we do know how to post, and are more than willing to prove it for free.