Long term Rankings via Adaptive SEO - SEO is dead, SE1 is Here

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Jul 11, 2007
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TLDR- Watch the Video. See the first few tables/graph for last thread results (it is foundation package which is mostly for trust rather than rank boost and very early days, so it may not representative). Hit buy button or add me in skype (michael.k153) for questions.


SEO is fast changing (You don't say?). It is not dead at all (if you are ranking with comment spam hack in Swedish payday loan in 2015!) but what is almost dead (Come at me bros) is $50-100 blast and rank for months to years for medium competitive keywords in a repeatable manner . Yeah,I know foreign SEO or no-comp KWs are easy but ranking long term requires a lot of work there too.

If you know exactly what you are doing ie following up all private blogs,forums or part of pro seo Skype groups etc; you may manage to assemble different packages and rank sites for medium to long term. But,it is hell lot of work to keep up with latest strategies. It is not only about the latest trick that works but also keeping up with latest Google patent filings and general SEO landscape etc to have an idea what is most likely to keep working few years down the line too.

So, if you are a website owner,it is hard to focus on improving funnel and conversions, when you have to take care of so many moving parts in SEO.

This services an attempt to solve the above problem,so that SEO can be hands off. No one size fits for all solution.

3 Types of packages

-->Foundation Package (For New websites to start SEO in right way-No direct PBN Links)

-->RankBank(Affordable SEO services)

-->Rank Marathon (Recurring Payment.For high value websites or clients)

Watch this video for better understanding about configuration of package.


All packages are adaptive which means,configuration/settings are changed according to latest experiment results of both in-house and private SEO communities. But the basics always remains same.
>Growth of link graph should be similar to that of real website
>Google works in probabilities.We use that in our favor.

One of the critical part of real link graph is gradual link growth. But,there are exceptions which can be taken advantage of. What if your site goes viral?
Hell,yes. I am such an awesome plumber that hundreds of people have started writing about me. :) Just kidding. But,yes. Viral growth can be a factor of sudden gain of links. That does not mean you can spam comments and always get away with it. But,you can get away if the your link composition is very similar to that of natural viral sites. I hope you have got the idea by now.

One of the basic premise is you do not rank sites overnight. It is NOT spam or blog posts blast where I will post overnight increase in ranks with graph. It is not that such strategies do not work but hardly you see what happened after weeks/months of that rank increase.

These packages are all about medium to long term results and building a solid foundation to build upon.

Domain Authority Stacking and Building link profile similar to that of real websites.

Foundation Packages

This package is designed so that it serves the purpose of all new websites' owners (though established site owners can use it too to improve their link graph and SERP)

Without going into any fancy graphics,I will just list the benefits and how to best use it.

Following factors are kept in mind while building links

-Reason for sudden link gains
-Brand Mentions and Reputation
-Engagement metrics of your back links

>Link profile of a "Brand" in eyes of Google through proper use of Branding links and Authority signals.

>Minimal use of "money keywords" to look natural in Google's eye. It helps you solid ground work to build upon future link building without worry. Like a shield.

>You can use this for high worth clients or websites without any penalty risk as no PBNs are pointed directly to your website. Only links from big social and top 5000 Alexa sites with handwritten unique content.

>Suitable for new websites

Nothing is more exciting than launching a new project,website or business. It is just like a new baby. They indeed need little care and love like new born. You just can't go ballistic with PBN, link rentals if you are serious about long term potential.

What are we going to do for you?

1. Turing your web property to internet brand in Google's eye. You may call this phase "establishing authority". You will get links from top Alexa sites,social sites,brand mentions,press coverage,community engagement,multiple Google news coverage. Unique handwritten content will always be used for all tier1 property links.

It will continue for 45-60 days.

Powering up your high quality links(including PBN) further through social signals and powerful links. This step is very important and forms core of the strategy.

2. Viral and Natural link growth pattern. Think of link from social sites,communities,forums and News coverage,where any real popular sites will start getting traction in first few months of limelight.

3. Editorial coverage
Depending on your niche of the site,we will get you few links from the most powerful sites on internet and few underdog but powerful sites with our relationship with writers and editors.

4. Site specific links depending on your niche,language,target audience (local/intl/country specific)

$249 (One time)

Duration of work 45-60 days
*Low budget or low comp kws

~7-8K unique handwritten content for contextual links

TAT- 8 weeks



Foundation- Regular
$399 (One time)

Duration of work 60 days
*Suitable for most websites with medium competition

~15k unique handwritten content for contextual links

Same configuration as lite but ~2X more powerful juice and signals in layers

2 links of the same site can be promoted
(eg Homepage+product page)

*No PBN links are used directly to your money sites. So,it is extremely safe.You can steer you SEO any way you want after this package.

TAT -9 weeks



RankBank package is designed for people who want to have sustainable rankings but work under a tight budget. So,you can not afford recurring payment. Here,apart from what mentioned in foundation package,you will get some quality PBN(Handwritten unique content) links pointed towards your money site. Additional add-on juices can be availed on request.

RankBank Lite

Foundation Lite (For trust)
+Juice Links (~35 PBN Links)

~15K unique handwritten content for contextual links

$399 (One time)

Work duration- 60 days

TAT 9 weeks


RankBank Regular

RankBank Regular+PBN Juice
Shield 1 (For trust)
+Juice LinksX2 (~70 PBN Links)

~26-28k handwritten content used for

$499 (One time)

Work duration- 60-75 days

TAT 11 weeks



For High Value Business

Rank Marathon (Recurring)

Ask custom quotes starting from $299/mo (Recurring)

* Access to exclusive ultra high quality PBN
* Access to High quality link rentals
* For high value clients
*Takes at least 45-60 days for rank bumps
*Safest among all packages

Fill up the form for a quote.

Ask for Quote


What to do once foundation package is done?

After this package,you can order either any powerful PBN or use your own PBN . If you have good budget,you can bribe your way to top through other editorial/sponsored (read bribe) post links from real sites ie not using PBN at all.

You may opt to buy our PBN packages too.

Early adopters will get extra attention which is not limited to link bonus and extra onpage/competition analysis,

Note that it is about sustainable long term rankings. So,it takes at least 6-8 weeks for result.
Please do not expect results in 1-2 weeks.
Re sellers

RankBank and Recurring packages can be used by resellers for hands-off approach to SEO. So,if you have funnel,you can position package for your customers accordingly.You may reach me via skype if you have any question or customization request. Mention that you are reseller while asking for customization request.


If you have established funnel or a product owner,you may hit up on skype. We may work on commission basis.

Skype: michael.k153
hotmail: webtechi@live.com


Can you just list down how many links and what links are these?

I have explained enough about that in sales description. It covers most type of links you can imagine excluding PBN for tier 1 links. More than links,you are tapping into knowledge of best SEO strategies without getting your hands dirty.
Refer to the link report question below too.

Do I get a link report?

Short is answer is "Not complete report". But,you will get a partial link report of links created. Also,due to nature of viral link creation, it is not possible to always track those. Apart from that,some links will not be included in report for the security of source. But, you will be given report of many of the properties,which you can control and publicly displayable links eg press release etc. The report is by no means exhaustive and it is so for security of both parties.

Some strategies used can get pretty saturated (ie link getting reported or website getting spammed to death) when it is public. Giving link report makes thing 5X easier.

Should I use it once per site?

It depends on your competition level and structure of website. For most medium competition terms, you should be fine with buying once in every 6-9 months or so. After this package focus on either link rentals/link baits/ link bribe or plain old quality PBN.

If you have multiple silos, you may use this multiple time with gap of 2-3 months for each silo.

Can I ever get penalized from this package?

I would say very less chance if at all. We will not be using money keywords in a very controlled manner. Focus will be on establishing natural but powerful link graph foundation to build on.

What is TAT?

2 Months. Yes,2 months for the full work to be done.
We will update you at the end of the first month too. You can always ping us on skype us to check but it is not required.

I am an affiliate. I don't care for long term. Can you just rank me?

Short answer is the amount of power and signals we give to our tiers,it can also rank money sites if pointed directly.But,we do not do that just to be on safer side. If you want all those directly on your money site,just order a package with additional request "I want to be bit aggressive". Reach me out via Skype/PM if you have more questions.

What I need to do after I order?

Make sure your on page optimization is perfect. Compare your on page with top 3 SEO'ed sites. Apart from perfect header,meta,content etc;integrate at least G+ and FB,put at least 10-15 pages of indexed content.

Why price is high?

Almost 35-45% of my cost comes from content as a lot of handwritten content is used.
This is not a typical gig but almost comprehensive ranking solution. So, if your SEO budget does not have $500 for first 2-3 months, this service is NOT for you.

Price is quite low when both one-time payment and long term rankings is considered.Actually, I may either withdraw one-time payment plan package or increase RankBank package prices when certain amount repeat clients number is achieved.
***Cheap SEO kills websites!***

Do you give rank guarantee?

All packages come with certain amount of power and usage as given in package description.
Lite package typically has enough power for low comp keywords.
You have to be reasonable while choosing keywords.You can't rank $30k/mo kw by spending $400 within 2 months(unless you are a hacker putting illegal links through exploits). If you are keyword selection is good with good on page optimization,over 2-3 months; you should see good jump. But,no guarantee is given as Google is not directly under my control. I do not want to mislead you buy giving guarantee for 4-5 words long tail or asking 2-3X of the normal price to cover guarantee risk.

Say after 2-3 months,you are in page 2,at #12, you can buy more add-on package for further boost.

What about refund?

In almost all packages, unique handwritten content of 10-15k words are involved. Writers start working within 2-3 working days from the day of your order . So,if you ask for refund within a week, you may get refund after deducting cost of content.

No refund is provided once work is complete.

I would reach out to you when your input is required.Beyond that,you may ask via PM/skype for an update bi-weekly.

We will send you 2 updates. First,after completion of a month. Second,when all of our work is complete(60-75 days from the day of your order)
Here are the results for last thread's websites. Note that since TAT is 8 weeks and it has been about only 3 weeks now since last thread.I have neither sent report or asked for review. It is for foundation regular packages(so no direct PBN links and lot of branded anchors). First 4 are local kws (2k-3k volume) and rest are normal low-med comp kws. All are established sites.

Last thread client sites results till now.






Results for Rankbank packages( Not from last thread)




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Are you still offering this service?

If so, can you estimate how many links I would get for the FOundation Lite?
Are you still offering this service?

If so, can you estimate how many links I would get for the FOundation Lite?

Of course,taking orders! Threads automatically get closed every 2 weeks and unless the form is private, I am open for orders.

Coming to your question,it is around 50+X. Since,there is a viral angle to some links (depending on your niche) and premium press release syndication,the X can range from 30-40 to 100+. Note that(if you have watched the video), the real wizardry happens on tier 2 (signals+juice). You can add me in skype if you have further questions. Thanks!
If website's rankings fluctuate a lot even after initial few weeks of link building,it is most likely a case of lack of trust. You can avoid this by building solid foundation links with right combination of trust and juice.

Use the additional details box to mention existing social profiles(if any) and high DA links (if any)
One of the worst fear for SEO guys, is getting stuck in page 2. It is like that LP's record :)


Ranking in page 1 is not any different ranking in page 2. You just need to beat others in link power and trust. Generally,what people or typical SEO do is, they keep focusing on link power without any focus on trust and consideration of whole link graph.

So,if you are not able to rank in top 10 with raw link power in first go,you tend to buy another big PBN package which in turn triggers some kind of penalty due to too-obvious unnatural link graph. Then they say "PBN caused penalty". And another guy comes and boasts,he is doing fine using same PBN.

The point is do not consider packages or links in silos,think about the whole link graph while buying seo packages. If you do that,you need not worry much about getting stuck in page 2 as you know there is less chance of getting penalized and you are just $X (either juice or trust) away from top 5 or 7. Meanwhile,if you have good on page SEO,long term phrases should bring you some decent $.

Here is another kw from last thread (early days still...)

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Incomplete review. Because these threads close so early, before work like this is complete, I wanted to give early input into this service. I purchased 3 of the Regular Foundation links for 3 of my local clients. Rankings are improving nice and up arrow slowly already. I am about over halfway complete. Communication is through e-mail and Skype. I am looking for a new safe service provider, because 2014 tactics do not seem to be doing anything now, and I'm looking for NOW providers on top their G game. I don't mind paying for it either, because my lively hood depends on it as well. I will report back again.
Incomplete review. Because these threads close so early, before work like this is complete, I wanted to give early input into this service. I purchased 3 of the Regular Foundation links for 3 of my local clients. Rankings are improving nice and up arrow slowly already. I am about over halfway complete. Communication is through e-mail and Skype. I am looking for a new safe service provider, because 2014 tactics do not seem to be doing anything now, and I'm looking for NOW providers on top their G game. I don't mind paying for it either, because my lively hood depends on it as well. I will report back again.

Thanks for the initial review. Going to reply PMs and emails soon. Best way to connect is skype.
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Havnt ordered yet (due to a project falling through), but I will say he defiantly has great customer service, always available on Skype, and seems to have a passion to help people.

Ordered the foundation lite.

Have been skyping with Webtechi and he's proved very knowledgeable and responsive. Very happy to get started.
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