Logo Stone - Sold Out All Premiums and Platinums in a Few Days?!? Round Two, Fight!

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The Kwisatz Haderach
Jul 26, 2010
Rating - 100%
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Check Out Thread # I


<<< Looking For More
White-Hat Links? >>>
You've Come to the Right Place!

You've all seen these Logo Galleries on the web that celebrate the wonderful art of designing logo's. These type of sites are great link-bait just by their inner nature and they obtain legit links from around the web, including from other high-powered design galleries. Speaking of these logo galleries, guess who acquired one?

That's right! Ya boy! I rebuilt this sucker from the ground up to maximize the benefits for us in the game. This included pre-loading and scheduling up drips of over 100 profiles of real, big-brand businesses around the world. This site already has 100's of links out to various authority domains, with 100+ pages of unique content! And as always, for those who snag the Premium and Platinum packages, the benefit will continue to grow as I add more profiles and build more white-hat links to this site.

That's correct. I don't do any set-and-forget services. The benefits that you obtain with me are high and only climb higher as time (years upon years upon years!) go by. This isn't some random blog site. This is the real deal, built on a premium theme, with 100% unique and handwritten content. No manual review or algorithmic review will even be considered. This is real deal, folks.

Every package is going to get it's own profile plus a link from the gallery page itself, including two types of URL anchors, an Image anchor, and three anchors of your choice! That, my friends, is a natural spread. I can't believe it's not butter! High-Octane Juice!

- Tavin - & - BlogHue -

This site is strong, but it WILL become stronger. Early adopters win as always, because as the metrics surrounding this site increase, so will the price! So don't wait around. Get in while the getting is good! The barrier to entry will be raised, but I want to offer it to my brethren here first. So jump on it, help the site grow, help your site grow, and let's all get that rank together!


***Attention! - This IS a Logo Gallery. That means your website must have an actual logo to be featured. You will be asked to provide a url that links to this image. That can be Imgur or your own site. It doesn't matter. But I need a reasonably large version to work with. The size displayed on your own site is likely to be good enough. A simple, undecorated text banner is NOT good enough. If it doesn't feature a branded icon, then the font itself and design must be somewhat snazzy. I can't compromise the site by featuring nonsense!

***NOTE: The Turn-Around-Time will be no longer than 14 full days. All Sales are Final. No Sexual or Pharma Niches allowed. Casino, Diet, and Dating must be Pre-Approved. PM Me!

I am a repeat customer of thehobbster, and his links never disappoint. Logo Stone is no exception - these are absolutely awesome.
I am a repeat customer of thehobbster, and his links never disappoint. Logo Stone is no exception - these are absolutely awesome.

Thanks, man! I've been turning orders around today, expect some reports! Also, Niche North and CSS Breeze orders are always leaving my outbox too. The gears are always grinding in Trickle Cheddar land.
Processing this mornings orders! I should have a huge batch of content back thursday/friday, so I'll have reports of all sorts for all the services firing off then! If you get in now, you'll be at the front of the line for the next batch!
Just given you a little flurry of orders :)

I saw that pop through earlier! Thank you!

Also, everyone, after a long day... The Logo Stone site just had a complete Redesign and it looks fantastic. If you haven't seen it, take a look!

I'm literally, in the next 10 minutes, going to be mailing off a batch of reports. You guys all get the new design :)
Alright. Working on a Sunday (forgive me, father) to play catch up from Friday and Saturday (birthday stuff). Hollaaa, should have some Niche North completion notifications going out today as well.
Not sure what the deal was today, maybe the planets all just aligned, but you guys sent me a BOATLOAD of orders. They were all received and are already in process! You know the drill! Reports in 14 days.
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