Listen Up Bitches I got Sumthin' Ta' Say!

[ame=]YouTube - Bedazzled - Mr Sensitive Scene[/ame]

I signed it because of the Hayden photo. Japanese won't change this at all though as they have been doing it for many years. Plus I am sure they are going to listen to mostly American's tell them about being humane considering we dropped two nukes on major populated areas of their country awhile back.
I am sure the japanese ppl don't care at all about this. Chinese and japanese ppl are just weird. Anyway , good luck with your petition.
saving fuggin' dolphins are more important than soldiers in iraq? i think i'm in the wrong fuggin' world dimension. beam me out, scotty.
lets save all the poor fish we kill to eat!

poor dolphins smile, dont kill them!

look some of these are smiling
Now that you're in here take five minutes out and save some Dolphins... No, a lot of Dolphins.

This shit is fucking disgusting what they are doing over in Japan (most of the Japanese people don't even realise this shit is going on) all you gotta do is sign a petition, if you don't I will come to your house and assassinate you!

The Documentary: (Introduction): The Cove Movie: Welcome

The Explanation: The Cove

Or just go straight to the petition and sign it, it takes 5 seconds: Help Save Japan's Dolphins - The Petition Site

Please post "done" when you have signed it, it helps bump teh thread.

I really expected to get dickrolled clicking on one of those links. Save the dolphins on WF, what's next don't promote rebills cause their bad for people???

As long as they don't kill all of the dolphins I don't really give a shit, I bet they probably taste pretty good too.
dolphins are the shit, they are the only other animal other then humans that have sex for pure pleasure.