Listen Up Bitches I got Sumthin' Ta' Say!


New member
Jun 3, 2007
Now that you're in here take five minutes out and save some Dolphins... No, a lot of Dolphins.

This shit is fucking disgusting what they are doing over in Japan (most of the Japanese people don't even realise this shit is going on) all you gotta do is sign a petition, if you don't I will come to your house and assassinate you!

The Documentary: (Introduction): The Cove Movie: Welcome

The Explanation: The Cove

Or just go straight to the petition and sign it, it takes 5 seconds: Help Save Japan's Dolphins - The Petition Site

Please post "done" when you have signed it, it helps bump teh thread.

The Japanese think 2 levels ahead of the rest of us.


They are saving us we just don't know it yet.
Signed. Dolphins are one of the coolest creatures on the planet. Like Tom Waits cool.
Hey Sticks, I hope you don't mind, I copied your post and started a thread in another forum that I hang out in.

I have another 4 forums that I know I can put it up in if it's OK with you.
I always save my dolphin in a doggy bag. That and sharkfin soup.. mmMMM good.
The main point is to wake up the Japanese people as most of them don't realise this is happening, so THEY demand it to stop.

couple of questions

Are you making sure that everyone writing is writing their petition in Japanese, or at the very least is the cover letter in Japanese?

How will you get this petition in front of the Japanese people?
From The Cove website

More than 20,000 dolphins and porpoises are being slaughtered each year and their meat, containing toxic levels of mercury, is being sold as food in Japan, often times labeled as whale meat.

What's the issue - that the dolphins are being slaughtered or that the dolphins contain high toxic levels of mercury? Seriously, how much good are you doing if you're just trying to stop the slaughter if these creatures are still left w/ toxic levels of mercury coursing through their bodies.

Well, I just read the petition and I guess it mentions both issues...
From The Cove website

What's the issue - that the dolphins are being slaughtered or that the dolphins contain high toxic levels of mercury? Seriously, how much good are you doing if you're just trying to stop the slaughter if these creatures are still left w/ toxic levels of mercury coursing through their bodies.

Well, I just read the petition and I guess it mentions both issues...

They're basically attacking the issue from both fronts, if they didn't mention the mercury, some people might not even care about the slaughter of the dolphins (ie: interfering with the life style, etc). But if they mention the shit is bad for humans, well then you just got all the yuppie, health nut, etc etc on board as well (ie: the people with money).
Signed. There are a couple others regarding big cats in Asia and moon bears--wherever the hell they are from-- that need to be signed. I'll see if I can find em...
it is a weird pairing - the "save the whales" peeps and the "don't poison me, bro!" brigade. if it's a 50/50 mix, as soon as they say - "fine, we won't feed it to people..." - you lose half your support base even if the continuation of that sentence is "...we're just going to allow the slaughter of these creatures for sport" or "...we're going to grind it up and serve it as pet food/fertilizer/wrinkle cream." You can see the disconnect in the comments on the petition page.
Signed. Dolphins are one of the coolest creatures on the planet. Like Tom Waits cool.

Thanks Bro

Hey Sticks, I hope you don't mind, I copied your post and started a thread in another forum that I hang out in.

I have another 4 forums that I know I can put it up in if it's OK with you.

I don't mind at all man, spread teh word, cheers bro.

couple of questions

Are you making sure that everyone writing is writing their petition in Japanese, or at the very least is the cover letter in Japanese?

How will you get this petition in front of the Japanese people?

Yeah, part of the project is to reach out to the Japanese, here's their petition here: ????????????????? - The Petition Site the peepz that are running the show are posting it on relevant Japanese blogs, forums, websites, noticeboards etc etc, they're slowly but surely getting teh traffic.

Well, I just read the petition and I guess it mentions both issues...

Signed. There are a couple others regarding big cats in Asia and moon bears--wherever the hell they are from-- that need to be signed. I'll see if I can find em...

Cool I'll have a look.

it is a weird pairing - the "save the whales" peeps and the "don't poison me, bro!" brigade. if it's a 50/50 mix, as soon as they say - "fine, we won't feed it to people..." - you lose half your support base even if the continuation of that sentence is "...we're just going to allow the slaughter of these creatures for sport" or "...we're going to grind it up and serve it as pet food/fertilizer/wrinkle cream." You can see the disconnect in the comments on the petition page.

Yeah I know what you're saying, I think they just want as many reasons as possible to have it stopped, and their train of thinking would be we need to come up wth more reasons to stop this than the dolphins just being killed for food, hence the mercury and shit.