List of Q1 2008 Web/Internet/Technology Acquisitions

Not open for further replies. for $100 million, holy shit!!!!

The growth of that site has just been insane. I remember visiting it back in 2000 and there was hardly any content. Now it's probably has around 500 writers and close to a 1million members. I think he purchased that domain for around $20k and started it at age 21.

I've read they are estimating revenue for this year to be close to $130m! ... and it all started organically without any advertising.
link is down. but makes all their cash off their massive supplement store. supplements are expensive, and consumable = huge cash.
So this is what jason's keynote at ASW was all about.

His keynote was about shady affiliates running spam sites for a quick buck, not legimate venture-backed companies that are building long-term businesses.

If you're referring to companies doing multi million dollar deals that laugh whens some moron posts a six figure check, then yes, that is what his keynote was all about...
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