Linkbait from Hell

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*sigh* I actually bought a whole heap of shirts under the assumption I wouldn't be able to get them in the future (at least not legitimately).
I'm aware that it's a sales tactic, but it's actually a really shitty thing to do to loyal customers who gladly support the brand, and it makes them lose trust in future announcements, boy who cried wolf style.
If Tshirt Hell does end up going under in future, a lot of people are going to be disinclined to believe it, and actually miss out on being able to get shirts in the end.

Honestly, I would have still bought the shirts I did buy two weeks ago, but I probably would have stretched out the purchases as small gifts to myself when I needed a hit of retail therapy, instead of getting all panicked and forking over for 6 shirts in a single hit.

You got megatronned.

Well, here's a pic of me and one of my new shirts in action: T-Shirt Hell :: Shirts :: FREE HUGS (WORLD CHAMPION SLUT HUGGER)


See! People do wear them out in public!
And yes, those are guys... There was a chick involved, she's hidden in the middle cause she's short, but you can see the skirt to the left of my leg

You got megatronned.
That's ok. My phone has the Autobot logo on it, so I guess it balances out
^^aaaah that picture is so sweet made me go watch this video again:

[ame=]YouTube - Free Hugs Campaign - Official Page (music by Sick )[/ame]
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