Link Wheels - Advanced Link building @ cheap rates

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LInK BuiLdEr
Nov 15, 2009
In my own world
Rating - 100%
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I have 5 Link wheel packages. These are as follows:

Package LW1

  • Chain of 50 Web 2.0 blogposts
  • Posts on 50 PR4++ blogs linked to form a chain
  • Each post will have 3 anchor texts, 2 to your site and the third one to the next post in the chain with your preferred anchor text.
  • All blogs will be bookmarked and pinged.
For a sample post please contact me privately via pm.

Price :- $120 only

Package LW2

  • Chain of 25 Web 2.0 blogposts
  • Posts on 50 PR4++ blogs linked to form a chain.
  • Each post would have three anchor texts, two to your site and the third one to the next post in the chain with your preferred anchor text.
  • All blogs will be bookmarked and pinged.
  • In addition, each post will be supplied with 2 PR3 + 2 PR4 backlinks so that by the next update, they all touch PR2++ status giving you high profile editorial links.
  • This will be supported by social bookmarking also.

For a sample posts please contact me privately.

Price :- $175 only

Package LW3

  • Chain of 5 websites on three different hosting accounts.
  • Each website would have 10 unique articles and these five sites would be interlinked with the only outbound link going to your site.
  • In addition, I'll pump in 10 PR3 backlinks for each site thereby ensuring they touch PR2++ status by the next update, thereby ensuring that you get sitewide links from sites on different IP's and with relevant content.
  • This will be supported by social bookmarking also.
  • I'll be handling everything from content creation to domain registration, hosting and link set up.

For a sample site please contact me via PM.

Price :- $135 only

Package LW4

  • A squidoo, weebly,wetpaint, hubpages, blogspot, wordpress and livejournal blog.
  • 4 articles each all linked up in a chain with the only outbound links to your site.
  • In addition, I’ll be supplying 5 PR3 links/blog so that they all hit PR2++ by the next update.
  • This will be supported by social bookmarking also.
For a sample posts please contact me via pm again.

Price :- $110 only

Package LW5

This is the ultimate package which includes all the above packages. I would recommend using competitive or even long tail keywords for it.

You can send different keywords taking each package into consideration. This package is the best for sites which are aged more than a year and have a minimum of 500++ backlinks.

Although, if you are experimenting, new sites also can be used to see the effectiveness of this combined powered linkwheels.

The total cost of this package is 450$


Detail I need:

Website url: Preferably two homepage + two deep links
Anchor texts: MAX 4 long tail keywords

For the review copies:

As you know this is a very hectic task and takes around 4-5 business days, I can do one thing. Instead of you paying me before hand as a review copy you can pay me after you have seen the whole work. This includes all the blogs and websites and the accounts etc.

If not satisfied I will not even mention the word payment in any of my texts. But, on the other hand I can ensure you that me and my team are a dedicated bunch of people willing to go till the end for customer satisfaction.

Also, if you want to gaze through the article quality of the posts please contact me via pm and I will immediately send over a sample posts.

Please note:
I am not giving out samples publicly taking competition into consideration. Getting the sample posts privately is the best alternative I have right now.

As for the communication, I am available via ICQ, yahoo and hotmail for around 10-12 hours giving you the much needed communication and updates on the package.

The payment are to be done via PAYPAL only.

I have the team to work under immense workload so I will not be stopping the incoming orders. If only I feel that the order will take more than the specified time I will immediately stop all the incoming work and concentrate on completing the pending orders. I will not give any of my buyers any chance to get annoyed or wait without any answers and updates. I can guarantee a good customer service and after sale services as well.

The only thing I need is a little trust from this society.

Ready to give the 1 and 4 pack at 35% discount and payment after the work is delivered. Please give me one chance to prove myself.

Hoping to get some positive response from the people here.
Well if you notice I am providing do-follow blog commenting to boost PR of the blogs in that. That's an extra added feature hence adding to the cost.

And this is totally original and not copied from somewhere. Please trust me. Copyscape it if you don't believe me.
hi, so i got my report, the turn around was respected and overall, the service is not bad, could be improved with unique articles, but it's a pretty unique service and it has an edge over normal linkwheels, the blogs will get weight from the homepages of their parent sites. i will post later if i see an improvement in rankings.

070707 You can't stop him, because he create thread faster than anyone else.
However I still wish retards' clients can get some good results with his services.
070707 You can't stop him, because he create thread faster than anyone else.
However I still wish retards' clients can get some good results with his services.

I hope he gets banned.

Was pleased w/ the work, and communication was good. The site I built the links to doesn't have a ton of links especially to deep pages so I should see fairly soon how results hold up.

Got this package before I saw the most recent posts about reselling services. If anyone can post the link to the original seller (WF or another forum), I'd buy from them but if this is a unique service provided by the op then I'd certainly buy from him again.
I ain't reselling this service. It's originally created by me. I have created more unique link wheels for many companies, But I am afraid cheap shots will take my ideas and spam it to hell.

You guys can totally trust me on this service.
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