Lets work together and lets create AWESOMENESS


Black Man
Apr 28, 2007
Hey guys, so only having so many hours in a day it is hard for us to work on multiple projects.

I am personally have several projects going in SEO, SEM, Social media etc etc and work at the same time.

But all this is great and stuff but I see a lot of wasted potential here.

I think lets create something great and awesome from our time and energy, lets work together and create a STRONG, POWERFUL Brand.

What I am looking for is 4-5 individuals who are willing to give in 1-3 hours each day to create something awesome.

I have few great idea's but its hard to outsource them and get things going as people are never able to fulfil the products fully as they half ass it.

So I am thinking if you are a developer, designer, Social Media expert, PR expert etc etc lets create something. Something that people in couple of months people will be crazy about or will want to tell their friends about.

FUCK look at youtube, facebook (even though Mark takes credit), myspace etc it was all created by like minded people and it has reach of millions now.

PM me
Lets create a Company (LLC) with few other WF members work on something which requires great brains and lets work our magic. (we can sort out details of business stakes etc when we have right members)

Part of the deal is that we will run a case study here in a weekly or fortnightly basis after we have few things in place.

Only people with motivation should respond.

anyone keen?
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Business rule# 3: Never ever ever never ever do business (unless their customers) with black people.
haha, love it.

Look there is no harm in trying right? I have several idea's which I don't mind giving away to a small group of people and I am sure most people have the same.They probably will never execute it because they won't have time, money or energy.

This could be your chance to create or build something awesome.
This is you
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alZqXA4R2dI]Sh*t Entrepreneurs Say - YouTube[/ame]
I guess sometimes it is good that I live in Switzerland.

Dude... Just go and grab one of your great ideas and build it. With it, build your reputation. Then grab people to work with you.

Never work with people you met over the internet, 99% of the time it'll amount to nothing. You need to round up a bunch of bums motivate them with bitches and beer, and get them working on your supposedly game changing idea. Just hope you don't go bankrupt.