Let's Raise Kids To Be Entrepreneurs

Bottom line on homeschooling, which is also the bottom line on parenting:

You must REALLY care enough to spend enough time on your child, an amount that is different from child to child. Some will only need 1/2 hour of your complete attention every day. Some will need it ALL DAY, Every day. And if you don't give it to them, you're both fucked for life.
Very true, but break down a school setting and explain to me how much one on one time the child would get there anyway. Remember to figure in period changes, getting the kids to calm down, recess, lunch, another recess.

Kids in school at least for mine is just a waste of time. We did try the school thing with my oldest and he did well. Though he could do so much better, which he does at home.

He is in the 3rd grade this year, reads at an 8th grade + reading level and comprehension is about the same. He is doing High school level history, getting him into biology and chemistry soon.

Only thing he does not like is math, other than that he is better at home.

Now do not get me wrong some kids are probably better of in school. If my son is going to be anything like me, he is not better of in school. I basically dropped out when I was in 9th grade and had no one who gave a fuck to guide me in any one direction.
I was homeschooled, my wife was homeschooled , I participated in a group of 40 or so homeschooled kids while growing up.

The MAJORITY now run their own businesses, my brother runs a data firm that's growing like crazy, others have done great too. Very few of us are/were anti-social, however none of us went out and had half a dozen kids by the time we were out of school , nor none of us have got in the normal types of trouble that kids seem to get into before even making it out of school.

My day job is quite social........I'm a real estate agent, and I work with dozens of people a day and have held positions on various steering committees and boards where no one has ever complained about how social I am.

I know lots of homeschooled folks who are doing just that as well. I used to work at a university, and I sat on a scholarship committee. Some of the most impressive candidates we had were homeschooled. There were some that lacked social skills, but there are plenty of those in the "normal" schools as well.