Let's Raise Kids To Be Entrepreneurs

I already am, my son is allowed to be a free thinker, we home school so he can learn and not be pre programmed by the standard school propaganda. Let a kid think for themselves from time to time and you would be shocked what they come up with. Raising children is not about dictating their lives, its about directing them and showing the the path. You lead by example, I have no doubts my son will turn out like me, I will try and prevent my own downfalls and help him along the way. If he wants to do anything in life it will be his choice alone though
I already am, my son is allowed to be a free thinker, we home school so he can learn and not be pre programmed by the standard school propaganda. Let a kid think for themselves from time to time and you would be shocked what they come up with. Raising children is not about dictating their lives, its about directing them and showing the the path. You lead by example, I have no doubts my son will turn out like me, I will try and prevent my own downfalls and help him along the way. If he wants to do anything in life it will be his choice alone though

I dont know about homeschooling. I think social interaction is a much needed skill. But I guess there are many other ways to get it (sports w/e). Understanding how people work, how they think, will ultimately help you in any endeavor.
Good points, but I agree with the poster above that entrepreneurial skill and hustle aren't taught. But I think its worthwhile teaching even the kids with an "employee" mindset for life entrepreneurial skills so that they can be more aware and make better decisions.

I also saw a video on TED about individualizing every student's needs to their strengths, and shaping them to become what they TRULY want.

If a kid sucks at maths but is a beast with arts and languages, they are groomed from a very young age to embrace their strengths and little emphasis is put on their weaknesses. I think this should be the way of education, rather than being sub-par on multiple fields of study, why not isolate and become GREAT on a single area of study.
To each his own, but I'm going to agree with kingscotty that homeschooling is not the answer to these problems. Part of being an entrepreneur is people skills, and that is something that one has to learn on their own in a social environment.

Unfortunately, the school system in the US isn't likely to change very soon. The best bet would be to stress the value of entrepreneurial skills at home at the same time.
To each his own, but I'm going to agree with kingscotty that homeschooling is not the answer to these problems. Part of being an entrepreneur is people skills, and that is something that one has to learn on their own in a social environment.

Unfortunately, the school system in the US isn't likely to change very soon. The best bet would be to stress the value of entrepreneurial skills at home at the same time.

You can still have friends and get social skills from other places. The state schools are currently in actually makes them worse to learn social interaction. Shit when I was in school I gog told constantly it wasn't social time. On top of the labels teachers and kids like to attach to an individual, using school as a social outlet for your child is a fucking cop out and usually the only argument anyone can place on home schooling
You can still have friends and get social skills from other places. The state schools are currently in actually makes them worse to learn social interaction. Shit when I was in school I gog told constantly it wasn't social time. On top of the labels teachers and kids like to attach to an individual, using school as a social outlet for your child is a fucking cop out and usually the only argument anyone can place on home schooling

My kid is so social anyway that even if we did homeschooling he would be out there after "school" playing in the neighborhood. I wouldn't worry about his social skills. But for homeschooling I would imagine you have to have a parent that can dedicate alot of daily time to the kid and neither one of us can do that. He's top of his class at school (I worry it's because the public school education is so lame) and I'm currently looking for online programs to help him go that extra mile.

Sorry to derail thread. But you guys know I'm having a passionate love affair with Ted anyways, so I don't feel that bad.
To each his own, but I'm going to agree with kingscotty that homeschooling is not the answer to these problems. Part of being an entrepreneur is people skills, and that is something that one has to learn on their own in a social environment.

Unfortunately, the school system in the US isn't likely to change very soon. The best bet would be to stress the value of entrepreneurial skills at home at the same time.

A lot of Entrepreneurs have little, if any, people skills these days, so that's not true at all. (actually, this has been the case over history. See every 'evil' Business person. JP Morgan, etc)

As for what someone else said regarding "entrepreneurs are born," that's wrong, too. I think there's a certain type of person that would excel, but it's not a fact that someone is born to do something in particular.
The success of entrepreneurs relies on growth of all kinds of industries and a variety of those other 9-5ers.

If everyone becomes an entrepreneur, we are all fucked.
From what I remember about the video, he doesn't say to raise all kids to be entrepreneurs, but rather to take kids that are being labeled negatively in schools and let them be themselves. He says things like adhd, and paying your buddies to do homework may be great signs of future entrepreneurs, and kids should be groomed for future success rather than labeled for failure.

I was homeschooled from 12-16, and then went to a community college as a dual enrollment student. My parents put in very little time, maybe 30 minutes a day max. It does not take a huge time commitment from parents, atleast at that age.
A lot of Entrepreneurs have little, if any, people skills these days, so that's not true at all. (actually, this has been the case over history. See every 'evil' Business person. JP Morgan, etc)
It would depend how you define "entrepreneur". I would think someone with a brick and mortar orientated business may require more day to day social interaction than an internet entrepreneur. Regardless I think social skills are enormously important and can without a doubt make success easier.

Sorry to derail thread. But you guys know I'm having a passionate love affair with Ted anyways, so I don't feel that bad.
Went back to your Ted thread just the other day :thumbsup:
I was homeschooled, my wife was homeschooled , I participated in a group of 40 or so homeschooled kids while growing up.

The MAJORITY now run their own businesses, my brother runs a data firm that's growing like crazy, others have done great too. Very few of us are/were anti-social, however none of us went out and had half a dozen kids by the time we were out of school , nor none of us have got in the normal types of trouble that kids seem to get into before even making it out of school.

My day job is quite social........I'm a real estate agent, and I work with dozens of people a day and have held positions on various steering committees and boards where no one has ever complained about how social I am.
My kid is so social anyway that even if we did homeschooling he would be out there after "school" playing in the neighborhood. I wouldn't worry about his social skills. But for homeschooling I would imagine you have to have a parent that can dedicate alot of daily time to the kid and neither one of us can do that. He's top of his class at school (I worry it's because the public school education is so lame) and I'm currently looking for online programs to help him go that extra mile.

Sorry to derail thread. But you guys know I'm having a passionate love affair with Ted anyways, so I don't feel that bad.

If you are ever on aim hit me up I can point you in the direction for more things your kid can do that would help him.

Also take into consideration all the distractions at school. We spend very little time with our son and get weeks worth of work done in hours
I already am, my son is allowed to be a free thinker, we home school so he can learn and not be pre programmed by the standard school propaganda. Let a kid think for themselves from time to time and you would be shocked what they come up with. Raising children is not about dictating their lives, its about directing them and showing the the path. You lead by example, I have no doubts my son will turn out like me, I will try and prevent my own downfalls and help him along the way. If he wants to do anything in life it will be his choice alone though

Be careful every home schooled kid I know or grew up around was socially inept and turned out to be weirdo's.
It would depend how you define "entrepreneur". I would think someone with a brick and mortar orientated business may require more day to day social interaction than an internet entrepreneur. Regardless I think social skills are enormously important and can without a doubt make success easier.

Well, let's clear something up, first. Just because you're a Business owner doesn't mean you're an Entrepreneur. I think that's where most people get confused anyway. People throw the word around for any Business owner, and that's not the case at all. Not many brick and mortar businesses are owned by true Entrepreneurs, but I do know what you're trying to say.
Be careful every home schooled kid I know or grew up around was socially inept and turned out to be weirdo's.

He's right.

I was home schooled until my sophomore year and am obviously a wierdo.

I also happened to be light years ahead of everyone in my class (and still am), so there's a trade-off I guess.
Bottom line on homeschooling, which is also the bottom line on parenting:

You must REALLY care enough to spend enough time on your child, an amount that is different from child to child. Some will only need 1/2 hour of your complete attention every day. Some will need it ALL DAY, Every day. And if you don't give it to them, you're both fucked for life.