Let's pretend


Senior Member
Sep 17, 2011
Let's pretend someone is selling licenses of a software that ain't his.

Let's pretend that if you know bhw, you would find how to have your own license. Not cracked version, 'real' full license.

Let's pretend that the seller is asking money from wickedfire members in his sells thread.

Let's pretend my question is: what is the wickedfire position?

Let's pretend I didn't want to spoil the poor man thread.

Let' pretend 2 things pisses me of:
- it takes advantage of wickedfire members
- I know how harsh it is when someone else is taking advantage on your work

ionCube with strict licensing files, is my solution.

Just implemented that myself, because cunts were pirating my software. Now the software gets locked down to your domain, IP, and MAC address. Surprisingly, I didn't really get any flak over it from customers. They were cool with the fact it's now encoded.

EDIT: n/m, didn't properly read. Out him, or under sell him. Free market, baby! Why would the software provider give a shit? He's still getting his asking price, and it's more sales for him.
Lets pretend Marshall Mathers never picked up a pen,
Lets pretend things would have been no diff-er-ent,
Pretend he procrastinated had no motivation,
Pretend he just made excuses that were so paper thin.
Make it blow away with the wind, Marshall you're NEVER gonna make it
His alarm went off to wake him but he didn't make it
To the Rap Olympics
Slept through his plane and he missed it
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIxHrRD8A6o"]The germs - lets pretend - YouTube[/ame]
Out them. I don't understand people buying warez/cracked. They are stupid as shit, but it's a real problem to many software developers. Out those selling other people's work, they are scamming both seller and buyer. You can always give people a chance to prove they are legit somehow (e.g. if they reply to an email sent to the proper domain)
Let's pretend there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Let's pretend all the people
Living for today

Let's pretend there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Let's pretend all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

John Lennon
Clyde spoted the guy with traffic travis.

Let's pretend I had a great time, reading all your reply's.
