Let's Crowdsource Social


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Deerfield Beach, FL
Ok, so I've had a lot of people/clients complain about how they don't think they can compete in a world where social is going to start really becoming important. Like, when Mashable.com has tech geeks who will click on the +1 button (which is definitely going to start affecting rank), it becomes difficult for other sites to compete. So I got to thinking, why don't we all try an experiment where we help each other out.

I setup an email newsletter. Sign up by going here: http://www.spidermarket.com/beatsocial/. What I'd like to do is get the emails of 1000+ marketers. Once a week, I'll send out an email with various links that wickedfire members and others have asked help getting likes, +1s, or tweets.

Only those who have joined the mailing list will be allowed to suggest URLs. These URLs will be selected editorially. We can create more rules as we go. But for now, basically, I want to put no restrictions on this. Let's kind of just start it, see if it works.

I know it looks crude right now, but I think this is an interesting way to start really crowdsourcing social. Just like SEOmoz talks about the linkerati, if we play our cards right, we can kind of become the hub for sites that need social bumps. Figure we can kind of do HARO for social factors.

If you think this is a good idea, put your email in the "Join our email list form" at http://www.spidermarket.com/beatsocial/ go confirm it, and then bump this post back up.

This isn't actually a bad idea. I do it on a smaller scale with some people I know personally, and it works really well.

The key is maintaining quality. There's no point submitting spammy indian-written articles, because if I +1 those, I won't have a following for very long.
This isn't actually a bad idea. I do it on a smaller scale with some people I know personally, and it works really well.

The key is maintaining quality. There's no point submitting spammy indian-written articles, because if I +1 those, I won't have a following for very long.

With this crowd this would go downhill in a matter of hours. The idea is fine with people that are nowhere near as smart as the guys on this site. You might as well post links to your niches right in STS so 100 guys can steal it and spam the shit out of the niche and then you can say good bye to that income source
With this crowd this would go downhill in a matter of hours. The idea is fine with people that are nowhere near as smart as the guys on this site. You might as well post links to your niches right in STS so 100 guys can steal it and spam the shit out of the niche and then you can say good bye to that income source

True story, remember what happened to Jbern's site when he outed the niche. You can now see literally DOZENS of sites populating google's search results.
I mean it's a trust issue. If there aren't enought people who would trust me or anyone to do it, then it's not a good idea.

I wouldn't trust my own brother with my niches let alone a notorious group of black-hatters
True story, remember what happened to Jbern's site when he outed the niche. You can now see literally DOZENS of sites populating google's search results.

I never understood why someone would steal another's website just because they were sharing it on a forum, when they could easily steal millions of other websites with better rankings.
I never understood why someone would steal another's website just because they were sharing it on a forum, when they could easily steal millions of other websites with better rankings.

I guess it was because the niche was rather new, and got/gets tons of searches, and by that time, there wasn't much competition either.
Like Grindstone said, this stuff goes on everyday. There are a few "secret" Facebook groups that do this sort of shit as well as hundreds of people on Google Talk who exchange links and do voting for each other etc. I don't think an email newsletter would be the most practical either.