Legalize Weed?

Legalize It?

  • Yes

    Votes: 104 85.2%
  • No

    Votes: 18 14.8%

  • Total voters
I hear you, but one of the most dangerous drugs of all (alcohol) is legal. You know how much that costs in healthcare, police etc? Why isn't that made illegal? The government get too much tax from it is why. But I do see your point :)

I hear you, but one of the most dangerous drugs of all (alcohol) is legal. You know how much that costs in healthcare, police etc? Why isn't that made illegal? The government get too much tax from it is why. But I do see your point :)

Because alcohol (for what I know) doesn't hallucinate. And most drugs do.
I think it's also easier getting addicted to drugs. Tho if you are addicted to alcohol it's more difficult to stop drinking.
Ipwnnoobs I've read the full text of prop 19. It's definably a step in the right direction. The critisms listed are very weak IMHO and my guess is they are are from dispensary owners fearing their business to be threatened
Drug abuse is a public health matter, not a criminal act. Legalize all drugs, give the addicts the choice of rehab and reduce the cost of incarceration to fund it...etc.
it's pretty much legal here already. All you have to do is pay $80 to get a medical card, and go to a dispensary.

The people that really don't want it to pass are the growers and dispensary owners that don't want to prices to go down.
I think we should legalize marijuana in this country, so potheads have nothing to talk about ever again. You are so annoying, grow up and do coke like an adult.
On the fence

I'm on the fence with this one. If we could regulate that only certain people with a certain IQ score would be allowed, I would be all for legalizing. To many not so bright individuals over indulge themselves with no regards to the fact they are legally retarded and shouldn't participate in such activities.