LEGAL: Do you use contracts for design work?

Do you use basic contracts?

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You need to get the copyright assigned to you if you are buying something. Just put togeth er a simple copyright agreement. They are easy to find around the internet. Make it a practice of making the freelancer/author sign it before you release payment. This way you will have no issues. Protect yourself.

If you're a service provider you should be giving a contract to your clients.

If you're the client, you should be extremely wary of any service provider who does not provide a contract.

The only exception I'd see to this are when you're providing or buying services through Elance, Fiverr, etc, where the site manages the relationship.

Contracts provide clarity and protection for both parties.
contracts should be good on big projects like around $500 and up

but for smaller tasks its not needed should be a 50 / 50 agreement is good
A contract is always good for a few reasons. It will protect your ass and protect your client. It helps keep the project on route if you setup some guidelines ahead of time.

I always make it part of the contract that I get paid HALF of the project budget ahead of time even before starting to do any work.

I agree with extendmedia that for smaller projects there is no need.

There are a lot of free contract templates floating around the internet...just google it...

Hope this helps!