Last Blog Post from The Guy Who Flew His Plane into IRS Building

I also love how a lot of people in this thread have this hyper-elitist sense going on. Unless you're uber rich, or uber poor, chances are, you're just one of the general people. You pay your power bill like the rest of the country. You take out your trash on tuesdays, and you get in your car and drive places.

Regardless about how you feel about CO2, you need to consider that our cheap gasoline days are about at an end.
I also love how a lot of people in this thread have this hyper-elitist sense going on. Unless you're uber rich, or uber poor, chances are, you're just one of the general people. You pay your power bill like the rest of the country. You take out your trash on tuesdays, and you get in your car and drive places.

Regardless about how you feel about CO2, you need to consider that our cheap gasoline days are about at an end.

I don't know about your damn unique ass trash days, but we're on Thursdays mofucka.
I also love how a lot of people in this thread have this hyper-elitist sense going on. Unless you're uber rich, or uber poor, chances are, you're just one of the general people. You pay your power bill like the rest of the country. You take out your trash on tuesdays, and you get in your car and drive places.

Regardless about how you feel about CO2, you need to consider that our cheap gasoline days are about at an end.

If you havent noticed, our cheap gasoline days have ENDED. Gas used to be .50 a gallon about 10 years ago.

And yes everybody is part of the general people unless they are on the billionaire list. However, you do realize: inflation will hurt us not them. The same mcdonalds burger you pick up on the dollar menu would be maybe $40-50, leading to starvation in america and looting.
I think it's going to take a proactive stance from all the able minded citizens in the US(albeit this is not the majority anymore) to correct how are taxes are being spent therefore justifying the amounts we have to hand over. Right now I don't feel like my taxes are going to all the right things, at least i'm not clear on where it goes. Schools, roads, state/government employees is fine, but if it's to compensate for insane government spending, or excesses of it going into undeserving places then of course people are going to look for loopholes.

They are taking advantage of the US citizens with taxes, it's one of those things that is complicated to understand on purpose. Most people are apathetic and retarded enough to simply roll over and allow it to happen instead of asking questions and finding solutions. These people are mainly employed by withholding businesses anyway so they don't even have the choice whether to pay or not.

I play by the rules sending them around 30% of net income minus the small amount of shelters I have and I do feel I'm being jewed. That being said, there are better ways to handle your frustration vs. flying a plane into a building with innocent people in it.
If you havent noticed, our cheap gasoline days have ENDED. Gas used to be .50 a gallon about 10 years ago.

And yes everybody is part of the general people unless they are on the billionaire list. However, you do realize: inflation will hurt us not them. The same mcdonalds burger you pick up on the dollar menu would be maybe $40-50, leading to starvation in america and looting.

The gas price hasn't changed. The US used to be a gold backed currency, at which point the price of gas has barely shifted in the last ten years.

Then why is gas $3.89 a gallon outside, when 10 years ago it used to be less then a dollar. Oh wait that chart is from a federal website, nevermind everybody forget the past gas prices and just believe the all mighty government chart! Pay no attention to the gas price fluctuation you have seen with your eyes, they are deceiving you.
Then why is gas $3.89 a gallon outside, when 10 years ago it used to be less then a dollar. Oh wait that chart is from a federal website, nevermind everybody forget the past gas prices and just believe the all mighty government chart! Pay no attention to the gas price fluctuation you have seen with your eyes, they are deceiving you.

good- let's get gas to $10/gallon- then I'll pin my 500 horsepower foreign sedan which gets 11mpg while laughing and speeding with all the poor people off the Southern CA freeways.

(BTW- I just got back from Europe- was paying ~$6.25/gallon for Diesel in France, and ~6.00/gallon in Spain - oh noes! $3.20ish for premium in one of the most expensive areas of SoCal!? OH NOES!11)
Then why is gas $3.89 a gallon outside, when 10 years ago it used to be less then a dollar. Oh wait that chart is from a federal website, nevermind everybody forget the past gas prices and just believe the all mighty government chart! Pay no attention to the gas price fluctuation you have seen with your eyes, they are deceiving you.

Because 10 years ago your currency was literally 2X the value of what it was now, and every year your government prints shitloads of money the value drops more and more away from being a gold standard.
Because 10 years ago your currency was literally 2X the value of what it was now, and every year your government prints shitloads of money the value drops more and more away from being a gold standard.

let us not forget China's surging economic and building boom in the last 10 years and thus their HUGE appetite for oil fueling demand, Dubai's boom, a war, Bush pissing of Chavez royally, etc. And OPEC capitalizing by playing games with supply and pricing.

OH- let's also not forget the US actions- you know the huge inflation of oil prices due to speculative markets with zero intent nor capacity to ever take possession of the oil they're trading, and US law which not only allows this but currently sees nothing wrong with it.
And Who exactly is responsible for inflation in our country?

The moron sheep in this country are responsible. Bush got into power because the people "wanted security" and refused to look at the economic writing on the wall. Obama got into power because of the ignorant self righteous younger generation and the proud but entirely uneducated black population. America needs to pull it's head out of it's ass and realize there are other countries doing things better and you need to learn from it.

The again, I love being in a capitalist society where money lets you do what you want, even if it means shitting on everyone else :banana_sml:
OH- let's also not forget the US actions- you know the huge inflation of oil prices due to speculative markets with zero intent nor capacity to ever take possession of the oil they're trading, and US law which not only allows this but currently sees nothing wrong with it.

You're right, you argue with reason on this issue so it gives credence. The market pricing on oil is fucked, I remember awhile ago when it was around $3/gallon all across the nation, people started using their cars less and when this became evident the prices were immediately slashed, in half in some locations. In the beginning of 2008, exxon reported record quarterly and annual profits for 2007(Exxon posts quarterly, annual profit records - Feb. 1, 2008), while gas was astronomically high during that year.

When the govt is getting money and slices of a pie, I don't think they deal with right/wrong. There are several industries the government has their hands in that kill people, aid to kill people, rape financially and take advantage of citizens. Banking, military, cigarettes, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, health care, drug trafficking etc have their lobbyists and handouts to keep moving. It's fairly obvious.
It's not surprising the story didn't get as much media attention as it deserved, it might encourage people to think and they don't want that do they?

I can't condone his actions, but I think the bit he quoted at the end was spot on:

*The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed.*

Made me think of those here who profit from rebill scams.