Laser Teeth Whitening

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I've done the gel. The product I use is called NiteWhite. It's not one of the kits you can buy at the grocery store, I had to go to my dentist to get it. It cost me ~ $300 to get the molds made, plus enough gel for 3 rounds of whitening. I've done it about every 6 months since I got the molds. Once you run out of the gel, its super cheap. I don't remember the exact cost but its something like $35 for 3 more rounds worth. Very noticeable difference each time.

Edit: I just looked out of curiosity and the refills are much cheaper online.
[ame=""] Nite White Excel 3 ACP Z 22% Teeth Whitening 6pk Kit (Latest Product): Health & Personal Care[/ame] is 6 sessions worth for $19.99. I also saw some kits of the same brand that were 'make your own mold', but when I did it, the dentist actually fitted me with the high quality stuff they use, I have a mold similar to the things you see on the Invisalign commercials.

Have any of you had this done? Where you satisfied with the results and did you experience any long lasting pain or sensitivity?

Did it get you laid more often?

I've had it done, works well. You can either get them whitened with the laser and then they fit you for trays to keep them up or you can just get trays. Spend the extra $100 or so and get them lasered for about 45 min to 1 hour and your teeth will be blinging. It's definitely worth it, yellow stained teeth are a huge turn off.
Would you be so kind as to report and maybe even post a photo?

Sure, i will post pictures tomorrow. I'm very satisfied with the results. The laser thing was 45min, but the whole process was almost 2 hours(setting up my mouth,polishing my teeth and stuff like that). No pain, except for some minor 2seconds "thunders" on the lower teeth.
This is what my teeth looked like before using teeth whitening kit

yeah, "zoom"

Was fine- the biggest PITA is sitting int he chair still w/ the shit in your mouth to prevent gums from hitting the bleach stuff.

Noticeable difference- though it's not permanent (you need to use trays and whiten weekly as well) as stains will come back (especially from redwine/coffee in my case).

Something like $175- well worth it though I wasn't as 'amazed' with insanely white teeth like some others I know who've had it done often and look hollywood'ish in terms of how white they are.
I could have saved you a shit load of money using Photoshop :p

Seriously though, that's not bad.
I used to get mine "sanded"... then I couldn't be arsed because it cost too much and I just went back to brushing with baking soda. Tastes like shit, but it works well enough, and it means I don't have hang about listening to kids squealing.
not much of a diff...

Are you kidding? I see a pretty big difference. It certainly looks worth it to me. Besides you really don't want people to be like , "DEAR God, I'm blinded by your mouth!" (Did anyone ever see that Friends episode where Ross whitened his teeth too much , it was pretty funny)

[ame=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
I learned this "trick" from a relative and it works wonders.

1) buy some regular white strips
2) Preferably, get a tooth tray (it will hold them in more firmly)
3) Sleep with the strips in for 1-2 weeks. One night of sleep = 7-8 hrs or 1 week's worth the regular way.

Just try it for a week, you'll be so surprised! I drink loads of tea (scarcely ever coffee though) and needed to get rid of stains. After about 1 week of doing this it was amazing...

I'll be repeating this ritual about every 3 months to maintain the **shine***
Ok I have an appointment for next Tuesday to get the Zoom whitening done. I'll report back, possibly with pics.

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