Landlord BULLSHIT (long post) - Legal advice?

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i used to date chicks in high school. like i said b4, i can look at a girl and see beauty, but i am not sexually attracted to them

Yeah, i believe in Karma.. she will get whats coming her way
One thing you might not have thought about: you said you "broke in" to take pictures of the damage (a.k.a. the proof that the job only cost a few hundred) - that's not something you want to go talking about in court.

Anyway, I think you should fuck around with her internet. I'm sure you can a) hook up to her wireless if she has it, b) get into the router (this is preferable) if you use a shared one, or c) break into her house and reroute her cable line. Then you can just forward all incoming traffic to 5mb horse porn pictures.

chat, she doesnt live here.. thats the most fucked up part. she lives 45 mins away and is here to fuck with us all the time.

I didnt really 'break in' to the house. someone whos not supposed to be on my side with the situation gave me a key to go in and take the pix.
That's a shitty deal, but honestly small claims court is the only way to make your efforts worthwhile... Any other litigation and you'll probably sap too much time and money on the whole thing.

Tap out at $2500 or whatever your state's limit is, and go after that. Document everything, be professional and courteous, and it sounds like the judge should find things in your favor.

I don't know how things are in RI, but in CA, the tenant actually has a TON of rights, because the court understands that they need to protect the "little guy". Good luck.
This thread is to long so if what i am saying was posted already oh well.

I would stay, change the locks, and stop paying rent. Make her go to court to have you removed. Fuck with her as much as she fucked with you. In NY the court system is so backed up people can live in an apartment for 6-9 months before being kicked out.

Fuck her make her spend money and time to get you out.

That is EXACTLY what the lawyer i talked to today told me to to. He said to stay here and not go until October. I cant change the locks because she can still get in without them.

The lawyer said i could get restraining orders on them to prevent any of them from coming to the property at all. We will see.

Id rather stay until Oct and not pay. Then i know i can get my last month and security back without having to take her to court.

I just want what is fair.
I cant change the locks because she can still get in without them.

Dude, four words... Home Alone Booby Traps

this is why i am not purchasing residential real estate investments ;-).
Contact the closest ABA Law School in your area

You can normally get free advice at the clinic on most ABA law school campuses. They charge nominal fees (any court fee, should be generally inexpensive). These are students but they handle many smaller claims and have a supervising bar-certified attorney to check up on things. I would recommend contacting the closest ABA Law School and explain to you the facts you disclosed on WF.
Check for a tenant rights group in your area most cities have them.

While we are renting about bad landlords I'll share 2 of my horror stories.

----------------WARNING VERY VERY LONG ----------------

1. In england I shared an apartment with my bestfriend. After moving in we noticed the plug in the kitchen sparked quite a bit every time something was plugged in or unplugged from it. We called the landlord to get it fixed, he came out and insisted it didn't need fixing. Roommate threatens to get the city housing inspectors out(she worked for the city housing department head) and a week later the landlord shows up with his friend to fix it. The friend removes the cover is like "Oh yeah this is bad" and gets to work, finishes off and the landlord goes "Told you it didn't need to be fixed" and tried to bill us for his friends time for unneeded repairs.

2. I got an apartment in Toronto last year. Move in everything is fine for a few months. 3 months in the landladies daughter calls up and tells me she wants to bring her new boyfriend over to see the apartment as he might want to rent it at the end of my lease(9 months away!). I say fine and arrange a date on a sunday a week away. That saturday night I go out partying and get back pretty late so when I hear knocking at the door sunday morning I realize A) I'm really hungover and B) I haven't really cleaned the place(Nothing too bad, just scattered clothes on the floor). I figure oh well it's just her boyfriend and go let them in. After she leaves I get a phone call from her. Shes yelling at me telling me I'm not allowed to have anyone else living with me(which I am allowed, but don't currently have anyone else living there) and that lying to her is bad and my girlfriend didn't have to hide in the closet when they were there. I ask her what shes talking about and she tells me her boyfriend saw a girl hiding in my closet. Now I'm freaked out, theres a girl hiding in my closet?!?! WTF? I check and much to my disappointment no women are hiding in my closet. I explain that no one is there but she calls me a liar again and hangs up. She later emails me to tell me that I need to clean the apartment and that I will be charged for all damages when I leave and not to steal anything when I go or she'd charge me for it.

5 months in I didn't get a chance to transfer funds for rent one month from my one account to the one the rent comes out of in time, cheque bounces. I had the funds no problem just a pain in the ass all my fault. That day the landladies daughter who was managing the apartment for her called me up screaming at me about being a horrible tenant, sends me 10 emails and calls my mother(emergency contact on my lease) and yells at her too.

I call up the landlady and tell her about it, she apologizes(apparently the daughter has some mental issues and refuses treatment yet she still has her manage the apartment?). So I go down and pay the landlady cash and tell her that I'm sick of the daughter harassing me(I skipped like 3 incidents with repeated calls and emails every 2 minutes going from mad, to happy, to murderous) and that I want out of the lease. Since the landlady seemed nice I agree to stay until I can find another tenant to take over.

The daughter finds the first prospect and brings them over. During the tour she talks about the bedbugs in her apartment, the homeless people around the corner from my building, some bladder condition, how little her welfare pays, how close to death her mother is and how she can't afford the apartment once she dies and a number of other things a prospective tenant really doesn't want to hear.

A few weeks later and a few more showings with the exact same shit and I've had enough. It's around this point things take a turn for the worse. The daughter emailed me about something while I was out for dinner, then again 2 minutes later, and again, 18 times gradually getting more and more angry about me ignoring her mails. During this time she also called my mother up and threatened to "Get someone after her" after my mother told her to stop calling them. The threat was the last straw. I call the landlady up and tell her I'm moving out at the end of the next month, new tenant or not.

Luckily a new tenant IS found within the next 2 weeks. They want to move into the apartment half way through the last month I have it for though. No way am I paying 2 weeks rent for someone else so I tell them they can have it on the last friday of the month(about 4 days early) but that the storage unit will be in use until the end of the month.

This leads to a month of the landlady and the daughter taking turns calling me at work, at home, at my mothers telling me I needed to be out early etc. Not happening though. Anyhow the end of the month rolls around I move out and think everything is fine.

About 2 weeks later I get a call from the landlady saying I didn't pay rent for 3 of the months I lived there and I need to pay it now. 3 months I say, I think I would notice the extra $4500. I go looking through my bank statements and sure enough find a cashed cheque for every month I stayed there however the numbers are out of sequence. I go to the landladies house and look through her bank records with her and show her every month where she received my deposit. She still doesn't believe me though. I had to pay $30 to my bank to get them to mail me copies of all the cheques she had cashed and even then she was suspicious until I pointed out that she had cashed the wrong cheques at the wrong months. Her bank actually cashed a cheque for August 1st, 2007 in October of 2006???

Anyhow after I sorted that out she tried to convert me to her religion and still invites me to religious readings :|

The end.
This is why you should never go on a lease. Leases are bitches.

Stick to paying monthly rent and you won't have any contractual obligations like you do for a lease.

By the way, what religion did she try to convert you? Was it Islam?
we found a new apartment.. I guess her daughter wants our place now so we have some leverage. i told them to give me $1350 for last month rent that i paid back before i move out on the 1st. if they dont give me it, im not moving out.

Then she has 20 days by law to give me my security back (which she is going to try to screw me on but im going to take pix and vid before i go). In that case, im taking her to courst.. it only costs $18 to take her to small claims and the security is $1350, not givign that up easy :)
Awesome congrats on finding the new place.

Sounds good with the fight, best of luck with it.
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