Landing Pages, where do you guys get templetes?

personally I'm constantly watching and bookmarking sites that I like the design or components of in normal daily browsing.

I once ripped the design from a bakery in Oregon off just b/c they had cleverly put a clean page together. I added another column, changed all the dimensions, cut a bunch of shit out, added a background image, plugged in a top navigation bar and new color scheme and I had something unrecognizably similar to theirs however in 30 minutes of work tops that worked well and looked great.

My problem isn't technical ability to design- it's inital creative juices. So I bookmark inspiration and then borrow heavily from it.

See a site with a neat menu structure - why not take a look at the code and if clever incorporate into your next site. etc etc etc.

Or of course you can just copy the green flog template and figure what works in 2009 will work in 2010.
buy one. make one. take one.

there's not a magical forest somewhere full of free landing pages that convert. good lord. :smilie_weihn_winki:

ok it's not really LPs, but I just had to throw it in for the forest joke
do them myself unless its just a simple jump page.

noticed that most LP designers are doing that job for a reason... it's because most of them fail to create landing pages that convert awesome
You call yourself "highrollin" but seriously can't afford to pay $20 for one of lpdesigner's packs of 16 LP's? That's $1.25 per landing page. You gotta spend money to make money in this biz and if you are too scared to invest a measly $20 then maybe you aren't cut out for this
You call yourself "highrollin" but seriously can't afford to pay $20 for one of lpdesigner's packs of 16 LP's? That's $1.25 per landing page. You gotta spend money to make money in this biz and if you are too scared to invest a measly $20 then maybe you aren't cut out for this

Why pay for something when you can get something of better or equal value for free? I guess you are cutting yourself short of your profit potential.
I expected this type of answer.
Let's see... I asked for free LP's so "buy one" isn't the answer, I mentioned that i can't code so i cant "make one" and telling me to "take one" contridicts your statement of a non exisiting magical forest full of landing pages...

You Fail.

Can anyone simply answer my question?
Thanks in advance

lol @ op's name looking for free landing pages
Why pay for something when you can get something of better or equal value for free? I guess you are cutting yourself short of your profit potential.

No. You cut yourself short of profit potential when you spend your time posting on here, scouring the internet looking for free landing pages to save a few bucks...when you should be focusing on making money. My bet, you wouldn't know what a good landing page was if it walked up and punched you in the dick. GTFO.
No. You cut yourself short of profit potential when you spend your time posting on here, scouring the internet looking for free landing pages to save a few bucks...when you should be focusing on making money. My bet, you wouldn't know what a good landing page was if it walked up and punched you in the dick. GTFO.

Why are you mad? Why are you wasting your time on this thread if your time is so valuable. You should cut your losses here. Im 21 and I make over 100k a year. I think, thus far, I know the formula to being succesful. How about YOU GTFO and mind your own. :321:
Thank you everyone that has pointed me in the right direction!
Don't listen to these guys.

1) find a LP you like, right click --> view source
2) Select all
3) Copy
4) Paste into notepad, save as index.html
5) FTP to root folder of domain.
6) Push lots of PPC traffic at it.
7) ???
8) Someone will profit.

ahhh, now i know who is stealing mine :D (just kidding, dont want to messup with you man)
Why are you mad? Why are you wasting your time on this thread if your time is so valuable. You should cut your losses here. Im 21 and I make over 100k a year. I think, thus far, I know the formula to being succesful.

LoL, I call bullshit. Doing what? Based on your outrageous claims, you're time is worth more than $50 an hour and I'm betting you've now spent considerably more than 1 hour looking for one freebie landing page. Yet you won't drop $20 on a pack of 16 of them that you could mix and match.

Yeah, that's a fantastic formula you've got going there.

You never mentioned in your original post that you couldn't code BTW. So don't go getting pissy when someone suggests you make one yourself. That begs the question though; WTF are you going to do with a landing page template once you've got your hands on one if you can't code?

The thread is so full of lulz.
LoL, I call bullshit. Doing what? Based on your outrageous claims, you're time is worth more than $50 an hour and I'm betting you've now spent considerably more than 1 hour looking for one freebie landing page. Yet you won't drop $20 on a pack of 16 of them that you could mix and match.

Yeah, that's a fantastic formula you've got going there.

You never mentioned in your original post that you couldn't code BTW. So don't go getting pissy when someone suggests you make one yourself. That begs the question though; WTF are you going to do with a landing page template once you've got your hands on one if you can't code?

The thread is so full of lulz.

This. Anyone with the right state of mind and someone who is making over "100k/year" would already have outsourced and have split tested like 20 LPs. But then again you're probably just a 67 y/o warriorforum peasant trying to get spoonfed
Im 21 and I make over 100k a year. I think, thus far, I know the formula to being succesful. How about YOU GTFO and mind your own. :321:

$100k per year is $273.97 a day profit...

this is the first time ive ever heard someone use an income that low to brag about their skills. get to $100k a week, or $100k a day and try that post again.
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Why are you mad? Why are you wasting your time on this thread if your time is so valuable. You should cut your losses here. Im 21 and I make over 100k a year. I think, thus far, I know the formula to being succesful. How about YOU GTFO and mind your own. :321:
Thank you everyone that has pointed me in the right direction!

If you are making this much money why can't you afford to pay $40 for a landing page?