Landing Pages, where do you guys get templetes?


New member
Feb 24, 2010
Yes, I am a NOOB.
Now that it is clear, I have a question. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction.
I am sure many of you are skillfull and talented enough to create your own landing pages from scratch. However, those of you who choose not to, where is a site that has good free templetes? I tried googling, ironically all I find are templetes for sale.
Thank You Everyone

So are you reffering me to someone on this forum that makes them? If so, like i said, I am looking for free LP's.

If this is not what you ment, can you clarify? like i said i am a noob.
Thanks for the reply
buy one. make one. take one.

there's not a magical forest somewhere full of free landing pages that convert. good lord.
buy one. make one. take one.

there's not a magical forest somewhere full of free landing pages that convert. good lord.

I expected this type of answer.
Let's see... I asked for free LP's so "buy one" isn't the answer, I mentioned that i can't code so i cant "make one" and telling me to "take one" contridicts your statement of a non exisiting magical forest full of landing pages...

You Fail.

Can anyone simply answer my question?
Thanks in advance
I expected this type of answer.
Let's see... I asked for free LP's so "buy one" isn't the answer, I mentioned that i can't code so i cant "make one" and telling me to "take one" contridicts your statement of a non exisiting magical forest full of landing pages...

You Fail.

Can anyone simply answer my question?
Thanks in advance

rofl, I love how the guy who says he can't spend money and can't make one of his own accuses someone else who actually provided a real response of 'fail'ing. gtfo.

you are the real failure here, sir
I expected this type of answer.
Let's see... I asked for free LP's so "buy one" isn't the answer, I mentioned that i can't code so i cant "make one" and telling me to "take one" contridicts your statement of a non exisiting magical forest full of landing pages...

You Fail.

Can anyone simply answer my question?
Thanks in advance

I see your an A grade retard. No one owes you shit. We aren't going to give you anything, I've got a few hookups with templates, but I'm not going to share them with a retarded idiot who needs Velcro shoes because you're confused by shoelaces.
Don't listen to these guys.

1) find a LP you like, right click --> view source
2) Select all
3) Copy
4) Paste into notepad, save as index.html
5) FTP to root folder of domain.
6) Push lots of PPC traffic at it.
7) ???
8) Someone will profit.

I see your an A grade retard. No one owes you shit. We aren't going to give you anything, I've got a few hookups with templates, but I'm not going to share them with a retarded idiot who needs Velcro shoes because you're confused by shoelaces.

An A grade retard?? Anayway.

I understand that noone owes me anything. All i am doing is asking a question. Why are you wasting your time answering if you have nothing of value to contribute? Its so funny how many people are just mad for no reason.