Landing Page Help


Marketing Dope
Jan 4, 2011
I recently downloaded a basic landing page template. I'm getting ready to add a simple opt-in box which includes: 3 boxes and a 'submit' button.


First Name:
Last Name:
Your Email:
(submit button)

Having found the basic code structure on w3schools, I think I can handle the basics of creating the text field and actual opt-in box, and add this to my template.

Stupid Question:

When a visitor 'opts-in' and fills in the name & email info, and hits submit; how do I retreive it, store it, and start compiling my list(s) for future campaigns?

I'm getting ready to set up an autoresponder, and eventually planning to create my first email campaign to a 'targeted' list. But, before I upload my 'landing page' to my domain, I really want to have a better understanding of how the 'opt-in' information gets captured, stored, etc...

Also, I found graphical opt-in boxes that are structured for several types of applications for $6.99, but again, I don't wanna buy this until I understand how they actually work.


You're gonna want to store their information in a database of some sort.

I don't code, so I can't help with the technical aspects of collecting the data. However, unless you're stuck on creating it yourself, I'd simply use a third party service like aweber or mailchimp.
O.k. cool, I created a database in MySQL cpanel. Still not there yet, but 1 step closer. The irony is, I created the database, but still don't know how to 'link' the opt-in box to it.
Damn....MySQL led to PHP....Where does it end? LOL
it's a rather long way from here actually, especially if you know 0 about it.
Once the user submits the form you have to process it with mysql and store everything into a mysql table.
To make things the proper way you should also validate data both during the submission (javascript) and after the form has been sent (php), before storing it into a database.

You'd better hire someone to do it or be prepared to read several tutorials and spend several hours learning the ropes of PHP+MySQL understanding how it works and making it actually work.

If you decide to hire someone send me a PM ;)
Man this is almost poetic!

Metaphysically, I'm trapped somewhere between Led Zeppelin's "Communication Breakdown" and Tool's "Schism"

I knew eventually i'd have to figure out all the 'stuff' in my cpanel. One thing is for's all about "communications" and understanding 'how' computer's translate, receive, project, respond, and display information, by which I am now fascinated by it all.

Though, my current understanding is still quite limited and my frustration is high, (as is my vision....)

"I know the pieces fit..."

So thanks for helping me find em!

In the meantime, I'll definitely keep u in mind Icecube should I fail miserably at understanding how they fit together. Meanwhile, I'm off to learn about tables, php, and post-poning my launch once again! Hell with marketing that's the easy part....I wanna be a computer linguist first!
Free is always a good thing. Mailchimp seems a quick solution for now. But I still feel a personal obligation to learn programming, design, code, etc..

You know this all spawned from reading another WF post titled; Secrets Beginners Success, by amanda11.

In quoting the first sentence of that post:

"A lot of beginners get caught in the minor technical details, analysis paralysis, and other pit falls that they NEVER get started (or worse, jumping from one project to the next, and never get the momentum going)" -amanda11

It goes on to address the importance of list building and email marketing, an avenue I'd yet to explore or place any value upon.

So, I figured WTF, I have a landing page template, a domain to post it, been gaining some code knowledge, why not start here by getting somethin brewin' and start 'building my list."

Here it is 5-6 hours later, after a ton of reading tutorials, and of course some guidance from WF forums, I have now :

-Bookmarked a great blog giving full-blown tutorials concerning php/mysql/and understanding tables
-Joined Mailchimp as free user & registered as an affiliate
-Added a "opt-in" email box to my template
-Established my first mysql database (tho still got work to do...php, tables, java)
-Found a great "opt-in" template bundle dirt cheap w/ decent graphics (under $10)
-Wrote a 'rough draft script' for my landing page

*Still feel I shoulda accomplished more, as I still haven't uploaded my template (until I learn php/mysql and can utilize my 'opt-in' box)

Amazing how what seemed so simple, became quite a project. Gotta love it!
You are on the right track bro. Just dont give up.

I have found that when I hit a wall like not knowing how to code something, there is always someone with it already built that will sell/lease it to you. It always seems too that I can find it a lot cheaper (think time-effort value) buying from a coder who sells it all the time than trying to learn it on my own.
To send the data you collect when the user clicks submit to the database, you can layer two buttons on top of each other, you can have the user fill in the form on your own field (that does not submit just records) and forward from there. You can also store it in a plain text file. Be sure to also include the offer the user opted into so you can better sort them later.

One way to help speed up your learning is to look at the source code of other sites, wordpress plugins that contain the functionality you are looking for and reverse engineering the ideas from there.