***Ladies Only Thread*** Don't click boys.

can't do a screen shot, using my web cam. please note spoon

Years from now I'll be sitting around sipping scotch, telling tales to my grandchildren of the day that OP delivered.
Is it just me, or is all the clothing in OP's pictures an assault to the rules here... This is the "NUDESFTW" section, afterall...
A chick with nails that long could not effectively type on a keyboard.

This is obviously a fiverr gig.

If it was a fivver gig I'd be better looking.

Typing with nails is all about the angle. I cannot however open soda cans or wear shirts with buttons.

Now if you gentleman don't mind....



Damnit I don't "penis bomb" y'alls T&A threads I will assume from here on out that any man posting here is a fag of the highest order.

Line starts here


Anyone posting below here either has a vagina or is a gay "dickionado"


PS Cash you should get that looked at by somebody more qualified than Obama... you could start dropping kidneys