L.A. Fitness - The Ultimate Rebill

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Jan 9, 2009
Greenwich, CT
So fuck Acai, resveratrol and biz opps - L.A. Fitness is the ultimate rebill.

NOTE: Short form at bottom!

I relocated 6 months ago and wanted to cancel my L.A. Fitness membership - visiting the gym and calling corporate gave me no luck - I had to print a form out online and "certified mail" it to them - there was a 20 day processing delay so I'd have to pay the next month no matter what...fuck me...whatever

I send in the form, and 3 weeks (21 days later) I call in to make sure everything went OK. "No we're sorry, we have no record of you sending your form." I fax over a scanned copy of my certified receipt and I'm given the same answer and told to reprint the form and send it again. This viscous cycle continued for 3 months with a total of 4 forms sent certified mail. I eventually canceled my card, filled a charge back and won for the 3 months (score)!

L.A. Fitness then contacts me saying I owe this month's and 3 month's worth of membership they said was never charged. I explain to them and eventually hang up, frustrated.

I am now getting calls from collection agencies - to this day - saying I back owe 6 months to L.A. Fitness...

How on Earth am I to cancel?!?! ANyone else been through this?

SHORT VERSION: I have tried to cancel my membership for 6 months...won a charge back and now have collection agencies calling me for the charge back monies and the continued monthly fees since.

On a side note - I wish they had a rev share affiliate program.

man i just went through this with these clowns - i switched gyms and they made me jump through hoops to get out of the contract, i did everything they said and they still charge me i even had a receipt that said my account had been canceled. I had to go into the gym in person and show the paper work, then they said OK but it will be 20 days before we can make any changes so they wanted me to pay another month i told them to f off.. Make sure you send the cancel letter certified mail, and follow up with a phone call - if you see a charge after that then tell your credit card company to charge back.
You should probably file a complaint with the FTC, FBI, CIA, FCC, DEA, ATF, Oprah, and all 50 state attorney general offices....
man i just went through this with these clowns - i switched gyms and they made me jump through hoops to get out of the contract, i did everything they said and they still charge me i even had a receipt that said my account had been canceled. I had to go into the gym in person and show the paper work, then they said OK but it will be 20 days before we can make any changes so they wanted me to pay another month i told them to f off.. Make sure you send the cancel letter certified mail, and follow up with a phone call - if you see a charge after that then tell your credit card company to charge back.

read the long version
Just make sure you have all that paperwork in a folder somewhere. Take them to court if they don't fuck off.
Most gyms put you in a contract you can't get out of. I had to deal with this a number of times with Bally's. That's why I love Lifetime Fitness, month to month no contract!

A much more scammier rebill is Yellow Book advertising, (via Dex). These fuckers are the worst... you can verbally cancel but that doesn't matter, because you have to fax shit in. Were going to take me to course for like $1600 but I had to settle for $900.

Don't advertise with the scammers if you're doing anything local.
What Ballys used to do anyway is NOT allow you to cancel your contract (e.g. if you moved) if there was another Ballys within like a 100 mile radius or somethin. So unless you were moving to east bumblefuck, you were screwed.

Hey nothing like having to pay a monthly as incentive to get your ass to the gym and workout though.
Have your attorney send a letter of call (saying you're taking action). Everything will go away immediately. The problem is collections. If you don't do something about this it will kill your credit. Then down the road you'll pay the bill just to restore your credit.
Lol... I used to work in the fitness industry and let me tell you, I seen some pretty
viscious things .... "Accidentally misplacing cancel forms, forged paperwork, billing members for things they didn't purchase, etc."

Ya the fitness industry might look like glamour, but truth is most gyms are STRUGGLING to get by...
You actually gave your social security number to get a membership to a gym?

If not, tell the collection agency to fuck off and stop calling you or you'll file harassment charges against them.
Most gyms put you in a contract you can't get out of. I had to deal with this a number of times with Bally's. That's why I love Lifetime Fitness, month to month no contract!

A much more scammier rebill is Yellow Book advertising, (via Dex). These fuckers are the worst... you can verbally cancel but that doesn't matter, because you have to fax shit in. Were going to take me to course for like $1600 but I had to settle for $900.

Don't advertise with the scammers if you're doing anything local.

Plus when they call you to sell you this crap, they say they are renewing your annual ad and they just want you to confirm. If they talk to the wrong person in the company, they can end up taking you for a huge amount that no one knows they even signed up for. Be very careful with this one.
When I moved from London back to Australia, I tried to cancel a gym membership. I read their terms & conditions and followed them to the letter. Under the terms of their contract they would allow cancellations if you moved overseas, so I wrote a letter and sent in a final payment by cheque (which was cashed) and cancelled the direct debit.

Well, I got a few calls before I left saying I can't cancel and that they don't believe I was moving. I said "fine, don't believe it". They wouldn't take a photocopy of the plane tickets as proof, or that I was paying a shitload to ship my stuff back. They would take as proof a letter of employment from my new employer.. but since I didn't have one I couldn't provide it.

So I had my mail redirected for 12 months and they kept sending me letters, then put it onto a collection agency who then took me to court (in the UK). I just ignored it all. I don't know the outcome.. but since I'm probably never going to go back (to live) I doubt it matters.
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