Kony#2 this year? IRANIANS WE LOVE U: a message to Iran from Israel

Watch this if you think Uganda is bad. Shit is unbelievable.

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Nice video, seriously. Iran once used to be a nice country. Until this fucked up retarded leaders took over. Oh and the president is a retard, no question. Literally, mentally retarded.

inb4 dresden makes a video response called "IRANIANS WE FUKIN HATE YU"
Then why are there so many synagogues in Tehran?

They must be so focused on Israel that they forgot about the jews down the street, is that right?

There has been a large Jewish community in this part of the world even before the place was Islamized. Before the Islamic revolution the Jewish community of Teheran was one of the largest in the Middle East.

Since the Islamic revolution, Jews have been protected by a "fatwa" (a law) by ayatollah khomeini upon his return to Iran (1979), it is more of a law that states that they should not be harmed, the same goes for other religious minorities of the country. Just as with any other Muslim state it is extremely difficult to get a permit for a new synagog, and ones standing can not be renovated or repaired without special permission.

Jews in Iran pay homage to Islam, just like any other non Muslim is expected to do under Islamic law, the Iranian fanatics (not all of them) are not concerned about the Jews living under their constant oppression (like the free speaking, not at all worried about anything jews in the video), they are however very much concerned about Israel and Jews as was clearly demonstrated when they bombed the buenos aires jewish community center (in Argentina, in South America).
The video would be more to the point if they removed 'Iranians' and replaced it with 'Palestinians'
Wtf? Kony is complete and utter crap war propaganda and so is this. "We love u but ur leaders are fucked." Did u check ur faggot leaders? Brainwashing in israel is on a diff level...