knownerror's PPC Journey

OK, update on my site today (btw, knownerror if you want me to fuck off and create my own thread thats A-OK just let me know).

So, I made sure my site is nice, clean and web 2.0 like, most spammy landers tend to use color palettes that are wildly bright and contrasting, you can take a look at my lander and notice that only a few colors are used.

Whoa, you actually outed your lander? I'd be careful about that - I think it's against the rules on WF, but that's kind of you.

Also, are you just doing a couple of quality generic backlinks just so that Google see's it has some (and perhaps to add to your QS) or do you actually plan to rank?

Whoa, you actually outed your lander? I'd be careful about that - I think it's against the rules on WF, but that's kind of you.

Also, are you just doing a couple of quality generic backlinks just so that Google see's it has some (and perhaps to add to your QS) or do you actually plan to rank?

Hmm, just reviewed the rules again, I didn't see anything about outing even your own landers but if an admin requests it I'll take it down.

As for your other question, I don't see a difference between the two. SEO is SEO, you do it right regardless of the reason you are doing it. But, yes the main motivation is to do it for my QS and so that my bids are weighted better and I pay lower prices than other people. In the process of doing this, the site will more than likely rank, which tells me what Google's opinion of the my lander/site is.

Thinking of different parts of Google as separate unrelated entities is a mistake IMO, you should use and consider their numerous provided metrics like Rank, QS, PR etc. across their different services as your own optimization variables for what you do and how you do it.

Trust me, gaming Google can be profitable but in my experience has been more of a pain in the ass than just learning what they like, what their behavior is and tailoring the products/sites I make to their expectations. This way I avoid having to spend time wading through the useless speculation and gossip that tends to consume people when they start on a "SEO journey to monies" or some bullshit like that.
OK, update on my site today (btw, knownerror if you want me to fuck off and create my own thread thats A-OK just let me know).

Not sure how much you intend to update, but I don't want this journal flooded with another journal if it takes this thread over. If it is breif, sure why not, more conversations to float around.

And today is the day I can finally post some stats, looking like I'm getting subs as well today.
ptpatil;2127091 you can take a look at [URL="" said:
my lander[/URL] and notice that only a few colors are used.


Thanks for sharing!
Not sure how much you intend to update, but I don't want this journal flooded with another journal if it takes this thread over. If it is breif, sure why not, more conversations to float around.

And today is the day I can finally post some stats, looking like I'm getting subs as well today.

no problem, I'll create another thread in the future.


Thanks for sharing!

Oh noes, I outed my Wordpress-created-in-10-mins lander! You got me nigga, you got me.
Statistic update:

Average time per visit: 1m 17s
Bounce rate: 63%
Conversion rate on LP: 7.32%

Finally was able to get a days worth of statistics. Anyway I plan on working on the ads on Facebook and then working on the LP itself. Wouldn't want to get changing one mixed up with the other.
After about $600 of PPC I have 2 good ads with both having above 0.8% CTR, list has 127 people on it now. Haven't sent anything and won't until 12/01 when my "Beta" launches.
This is beautiful stuff buddy. This was exactly the reason why I gave out the lander. I'd be happy to help, if you need some assisstance with the lander.

You'll be surprised, but building the list part of the whole game would be crazy. The monetization part, which comes afterwards, is the one that you need to concentrate heavily on.

Over the years, working with Permission-based marketing folks, I have found that it is not uncommon for people to lose hope in the entire concept of list marketing. So plan your strategy carefully over there. Segment like hell. Then split-test to your segments.

Good luck with this. I'll be on the lookout for further updates.
This is beautiful stuff buddy. This was exactly the reason why I gave out the lander. I'd be happy to help, if you need some assisstance with the lander.

You'll be surprised, but building the list part of the whole game would be crazy. The monetization part, which comes afterwards, is the one that you need to concentrate heavily on.

Over the years, working with Permission-based marketing folks, I have found that it is not uncommon for people to lose hope in the entire concept of list marketing. So plan your strategy carefully over there. Segment like hell. Then split-test to your segments.

Good luck with this. I'll be on the lookout for further updates.

Thanks for the support BlogHue! Sorry for no recent updates, I'm testing some various changes to the landing page. I will update with everything at the end of the week. Still sitting at around a 4% conversion rate, hence the reason why I am testing some significant changes.
It has been an interesting week, I have been testing various landers to see what may work better. One thing that I noticed was less can be more. Creating a very limited LP with only the sign up form had a higher CTR compared to a LP with tons of information. I also noticed that trying to get a lead directly resulted in a smaller CTR and thus I missed out on having them as a subscriber.

Here are some statistics:

With more information (Original lander)


Had a 3.90% conversion rate.

Directly to the offer


Had a 3.60% conversion rate.

Minimal form


Had a 8.70% conversion rate. However I must note that I was only advertising the weekly news and not the offer. One of the reasons I decided to try something else much better (Will get to that).

A new and final lander I am working with is using an awesome offer the company I am affiliated with is promoting. It's basically a free tech product for a certain deposit amount. One reason why I am very happy with this is because I can finally use a number to note if I break even or not. The minimal deposit for this free gift is $2000. Since I get a 20% Rev share I would get 400$ from that sign up. (Double checking this with support but if they do not include deposits, these customers would still trade nonetheless). So if all goes well, I would need to make one successful lead with these parameters to break even if I invest $400 into a campaign. I also decided to run campaigns based on only a certain amount ($400 in this case) to easily track if I made my money back or not (Noobie mistake before -1).

Besides that news, I sent out the first email today as well. It just featured some news in the markets and an offer to sign up for the offer. So far 2 people have opened it. Not much movement besides that. I have 19 subscribers so far by the way.

I would also like to add that I started this project expecting better conversion rates but my assumption is the type of niche I am working with doesn't have that sign-up-happy mentality since it is a financial decision to trade with a company. A successful conversion equals a lot more money which makes up for these low conversion rates so I am not too worried.

That pretty much wraps up everything that has happened this week, will try to shoot for some positive campaigns this coming week.
It has been an interesting week, I have been testing various landers to see what may work better. One thing that I noticed was less can be more. Creating a very limited LP with only the sign up form had a higher CTR compared to a LP with tons of information. I also noticed that trying to get a lead directly resulted in a smaller CTR and thus I missed out on having them as a subscriber.

Here are some statistics:

With more information (Original lander)


Had a 3.90% conversion rate.

Directly to the offer


Had a 3.60% conversion rate.

Minimal form


Had a 8.70% conversion rate. However I must note that I was only advertising the weekly news and not the offer. One of the reasons I decided to try something else much better (Will get to that).

A new and final lander I am working with is using an awesome offer the company I am affiliated with is promoting. It's basically a free tech product for a certain deposit amount. One reason why I am very happy with this is because I can finally use a number to note if I break even or not. The minimal deposit for this free gift is $2000. Since I get a 20% Rev share I would get 400$ from that sign up. (Double checking this with support but if they do not include deposits, these customers would still trade nonetheless). So if all goes well, I would need to make one successful lead with these parameters to break even if I invest $400 into a campaign. I also decided to run campaigns based on only a certain amount ($400 in this case) to easily track if I made my money back or not (Noobie mistake before -1).

Besides that news, I sent out the first email today as well. It just featured some news in the markets and an offer to sign up for the offer. So far 2 people have opened it. Not much movement besides that. I have 19 subscribers so far by the way.

I would also like to add that I started this project expecting better conversion rates but my assumption is the type of niche I am working with doesn't have that sign-up-happy mentality since it is a financial decision to trade with a company. A successful conversion equals a lot more money which makes up for these low conversion rates so I am not too worried.

That pretty much wraps up everything that has happened this week, will try to shoot for some positive campaigns this coming week.

Nice, you're making progress.

The LP also filters the type of person you're looking for. The long LP with lots of information and yellow highlighted text will tend to draw the push button riches crowd. Real traders won't give you a second look if you put stupid WaFo shit like "see how I made $500000000k in 3.7 minutes!", they'd like nice design, a look and feel of authority/professionalism & brand.

The first group is easier to convert but are generally peasants and can't afford as much, the second group is harder to convert but their pockets are deeper.
Nice, you're making progress.

The LP also filters the type of person you're looking for. The long LP with lots of information and yellow highlighted text will tend to draw the push button riches crowd. Real traders won't give you a second look if you put stupid WaFo shit like "see how I made $500000000k in 3.7 minutes!", they'd like nice design, a look and feel of authority/professionalism & brand.

The first group is easier to convert but are generally peasants and can't afford as much, the second group is harder to convert but their pockets are deeper.

Yea, that's basically what I am seeing with this market. It may be harder to get higher conversions but when you do convert, it pays. And regarding the professionalism brand-like look, I 100% agree with you. It's what I am aiming for right now with this bonus I am running since it really only targets people who have money in their pockets.