Know any female business owners?


Thread subject makes no sense. This isnt possible. Just like how girls don't poop or fart.

I know about 6 female business owners, 2 started a fencing company together, 3 own restaurants, and 1 owns a very sucessfull technology company.
There was a report out last month or so about how women are actually starting businesses at twice the rate men are and they're having a better average success rate.
I actually saw that same report and it coincided with women more recently getting twice as much grant and other nondebt financing then men. Women used to have a very low success rate, more startup capital and less startup debt brings the success rate higher and it worked. Very much a double standard, but it worked.

That aside, my grandma was the most busysavy person i've ever met. She ran multiple businesses along with other income streams and she was completely self made. She was definitely my role model.
My mom runs a daycare/tutoring center.

She has about 4-5 part-time and full-time employees working for her.
I know several women that run businesses.

I see one on a Wednesday night, one on a Friday night and the other on the odd Sunday when I'm not bogged down with family stuff.

They seem to be doing pretty alright, take about £150/hr from me, so I'm guessing they make more than the average WF user does in the average year with one client.
My wife also owns a successful business.

Generates leads on Craigslist. She works an hour at a time, has no overhead. She tells me her clientele is very satisfied... She won't tell me what she does, though.

Maybe she's working at taco bell..out back as a professional cock mistress and swallows semen for $50/half hr.