Know any female business owners?


New member
Aug 14, 2009
If so, what kind of businesses do they own?

I go to a few different business events and don't see too many of them. I guess something about AM pushes them away

Designer/Custom Clothing, Contract Staffing, Party Supplies, Antiques, Restaurant, Catering, etc.

Women are planners and good with their hands. You'll find them in those kinds of niches because they like to be more hands-on when at work, where guys tend to shoot bullshit with other guys.
I know of 2 women business owners. One is a Marketing Agency of which i really know nothing about her history and that business but it dominates her specific industry that she markets for.

The other is a Girl in the office that i work. She owns a bounce house business on the side.

She has been building it from the ground up over the last 2 years.

She has no formal business education and started with no money.

She's been busting her ass the last 2 years on weekends to and has pretty much matched her current salary on good rental weekends.

She'll probably be quitting her 'day job' pretty soon and running it full time.

Designer/Custom Clothing, Contract Staffing, Party Supplies, Antiques, Restaurant, Catering, etc.

Women are planners and good with their hands. You'll find them in those kinds of niches because they like to be more hands-on when at work, where guys tend to shoot bullshit with other guys.

She also does Party Supplies .... sooo there you go.

Good call Rexibit
look into the porn industry, lots of them there.

also, women are smart. Why own the business when you can control it.. if you know what I mean.
I know several. A Lawyer, An Interior Decorator, A Real Estate Broker, A Graphic Designer.

AM doesn't scare away women, Wickedfire does.
My mom owned a small business for around 10 years or so when I was younger and was pretty successful as far as I could tell/based on what she's told me. Ended up selling it when I was in middle school or so for 50k so it must have been doing pretty alright.

It was a childrens resale shop, by the way.. pretty much exclusively clothes. People brought in used/previously owned clothes and she'd buy them for a low cost and then turn around and sell them for a profit. I know she was picky about what she took so it was known for being pretty nice stuff for a fraction of the cost you'd actually pay for brand new clothes from the designer/outlets themselves.
My mom owned a small business for around 10 years or so when I was younger and was pretty successful as far as I could tell/based on what she's told me. Ended up selling it when I was in middle school or so for 50k so it must have been doing pretty alright.

If she sold it for 50k in the first world country, that is considered epic fail. In 3rd world, maybe it's a success.
I'm confused, I didn't think you could run a business in a kitchen.

Nonsense. Nothing is stopping them having an iMac for a TV in the kitchen to watch Food Network while making sammich's, then use it to answer E-mails, network, and manage their other business needs while something is in the oven. Women are the Queens of multi-tasking.

Two hot female business owners
There was a report out last month or so about how women are actually starting businesses at twice the rate men are and they're having a better average success rate.
Selling ebook: Strategy for landing a qualified chick.

-High percentage of her having rich parents
-High percentage of her being a college graduate or in a graduate program
-High percentage of her being smarter than you

Gimme your money. Sorry no wiggers or hoodrats.