Kelowna, you got some 'splaining to doooooo!


The Kwisatz Haderach
Jul 26, 2010

How do small sites suddenly gain high ranks Google SEO News and Discussion forum at Wickedfiire

Why are you outting/turning-on/silver-spooning this information to the hetero-webmasters?
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my kids might want to go to college some day, so please, can everyone stop with the outing ;)

Jared, real SEO's know blackhat SEO is dead.
This is why we can't have nice things. Please ban kelowna.

Not trying to defeat him, but that might be a little extreme... He is stating what BST providers and others have already stated for years. Nothing really new. If BST providers are stating it for Matt Cutts and the gang to see as well as lurkers and random guests, it's already outted.

This is a prime example why SEO have become a hush hush game as of sorts lately, even on here.

As Jcash would say, SEO... What a fucking waste of time.

Carry on...
If BST providers are stating it for Matt Cutts and the gang to see as well as lurkers and random guests, it's already outted.

See below.

I thought this was common knowledge.

Amongst who? Amongst Webmaster World now. We take shit for granted about what's what. Even if the ENTIRE black hat industry knows about it, that doesn't mean we should turn around and tell the entire white hat industry for the sake of one man's reputation.
See below.

Amongst who? Amongst Webmaster World now. We take shit for granted about what's what. Even if the ENTIRE black hat industry knows about it, that doesn't mean we should turn around and tell the entire white hat industry for the sake of one man's reputation without dropping an affiliate link to Layered Links for them to get their dicks wet in SEO that works.

Fixed that for you.
Amongst who? Amongst Webmaster World now. We take shit for granted about what's what. Even if the ENTIRE black hat industry knows about it, that doesn't mean we should turn around and tell the entire white hat industry for the sake of one man's reputation.

Once it's common knowledge in public communities (which WickedFire is), it's an exercise in futility to prevent people talking about it in other places.

If your business model is so fragile that you think a post on Webmaster World is going to have an impact on your bottom line, then you should probably get into a business with a higher barrier to entry.

I on the other hand welcome any new black hat SEOers, as they're my potential customers :)
yes spam works temporarily, that's nothing new, but ethically you know you're doing something wrong.

you hate it when your mailbox is spammed, when your blog gets hundreds of spammy comments every week, when you can't find good information for your health problem because the serps are full off bullshit offers.. at the end of the day you have to ask yourself: do I want to be part of this movement polluting the internet? or do I want to build something legit that is helpful to people and that will bring me money while letting me go to bed every night knowing that I'm doing something positive for the internet?

food for thought..
yes spam works temporarily, that's nothing new, but ethically you know you're doing something wrong.

you hate it when your mailbox is spammed, when your blog gets hundreds of spammy comments every week, when you can't find good information for your health problem because the serps are full off bullshit offers.. at the end of the day you have to ask yourself: do I want to be part of this movement polluting the internet? or do I want to build something legit that is helpful to people and that will bring me money while letting me go to bed every night knowing that I'm doing something positive for the internet?

food for thought..

Please don't chime in about a subject if you don't know anything about it. Thanks.

The Management
Once it's common knowledge in public communities (which WickedFire is), it's an exercise in futility to prevent people talking about it in other places.

If your business model is so fragile that you think a post on Webmaster World is going to have an impact on your bottom line, then you should probably get into a business with a higher barrier to entry.

I on the other hand welcome any new black hat SEOers, as they're my potential customers :)

Or the flipside where me and my buddies are crushing it and prefer to keep it quiet. But really who am i kidding. I'll just keep slammin hundo drops on fiverr like a real boss do.

That's cool though, the faggots who dont independently innovate have spoken and dont mind industry and trade sekrits and being outted because thats how they learned about it in the first place.
You forgot to add this...

My last word of advice, DO NOT BELIEVE ME or anthing you read on message boards for that matter. Go and do research yourself. Test and see for sure what works in the tough niches. Don't be lazy, do the work. Just because someone posts alot does not mean they have the answers you need, only your own research and work can be trusted. Oh ya... and some people lie on purpose just to try and confuse you :)

Anyone can bullshit the masses with enough noise, as you have just proven. What I am curious about is why you are so interested in what I do or say.

Why are you outting/turning-on/silver-spooning this information to the hetero-webmasters?

Throwing up cheap sites and pointing some sort of SGW links at them is outing? That is SEO 101 stuff. 99% of the so called seo's crash and burn doing this anyways as they have never researched it enough to actually know how to do it properly.

All I can say is you must be real bored if this is some sort of news to start a thread on. It's after 9 am here, enough work, time to go golfing. Feel free to read all my posts if you are bored, most of it is lies to confuse the masses, but I think you forgot that part as you believe that reading these boards long enough will somehow enlighten you with the knoweledge of how to get top rankings without doing any actual work. :321: