Just realized I made $14.8k this morning

:eek:fftopic:...OK I gotta ask...

Why is this on a webmaster forum?
Are there no forums dedicated to options traders???

This thread just looks very odd and I have to ask...

1- why would someone come on here giving options advice?
2- why would anyone listen to trading advice given on here?

Don't get me wrong, I like naked puts as much as the next guy, but why wickedfire?

:eek:fftopic:...OK I gotta ask...

Why is this on a webmaster forum?
Are there no forums dedicated to options traders???

This thread just looks very odd and I have to ask...

1- why would someone come on here giving options advice?
2- why would anyone listen to trading advice given on here?

Don't get me wrong, I like naked puts as much as the next guy, but why wickedfire?

Because when you make money it's (generally) smart to invest it? If you don't assume everyone on here is on welfare, then it starts to make more sense.
:eek:fftopic:...OK I gotta ask...

Why is this on a webmaster forum?
Are there no forums dedicated to options traders???

This thread just looks very odd and I have to ask...

1- why would someone come on here giving options advice?
2- why would anyone listen to trading advice given on here?

Don't get me wrong, I like naked puts as much as the next guy, but why wickedfire?

Forum is about making money?
:eek:fftopic:...OK I gotta ask...

Why is this on a webmaster forum?
Are there no forums dedicated to options traders???

This thread just looks very odd and I have to ask...

1- why would someone come on here giving options advice?
2- why would anyone listen to trading advice given on here?

Don't get me wrong, I like naked puts as much as the next guy, but why wickedfire?

There are threads on women having an expiration date, anarchy, giving dogs raw meat and, "is this a guy or girl" on the first page. . . you find this thread to be odd?
mGrunin, thanks for sharing this, so you are going long AAPL now?

Didn't touch FB since then, but made a few good trades here and there.
(For example on enormously cheap MSFT options that were about to expire.. last week MS traded at around 27.46 and 27.50 options were like 3 cents, I bought those calls and made a nice profit after they expired at 27.70 or so)
Bumping this thread with a relevant post.

Ameyer, I am not sure if you are still trading, but if you are you might want to look at this. Once again we are facing earning season, and there are other ways we can lock up gains outside the strangle strategy. I just made this video explaining how you can use a calender spread with a short vega:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98TyiDATqeg"]Tips to Trade: Profiting on Calender Spreads - YouTube[/ame]

Watch it in 720 and full screen.

Here is a perfect example that happened today that fall under that exact strategy:

This is how things would have looked like if setup with eBay a day before:


Notice how high the IV was on the Jan leg that we would have sold. Then the very next day when earnings are released, the IV drops to 20%. The IV on the Feb leg that we would have purchased dropped to 20% too, but its a less significant drop. Not only that but the Jan leg is almost worthless even though eBay rallied that day while the Feb leg only lost a bit. The trade went from a 77c debit to a $1.00 debit.