Just realized I made $14.8k this morning


New member
Aug 13, 2012
So I watched Mgrunin's option videos and thought fuck it, I have no idea what he is talking about but I will put ~$4k on a Facebook straddle as he suggested (it sounded like a good idea to me).
Turned out well this morning ;)
(I bought 50 call options at 21 strike on Monday for around ~$0.42 and closed them at ~$2.95 today)

Maybe I should have kept them longer but I chickened out when the market opened ;)

but I chickened out when the market opened ;)


He would have made money even if Facebook missed earnings and went down instead.

He's implying that he doesn't know what he's doing, and throwing money at shit you don't understand is negative -EV. He's acting degenerate.

And a gambler as skilled as yourself clearly understands the stupidity of making a thread to celebrate a single win... "But how much did you lose"
Jealous idiots will always find something negative to bitch about. Good job OP, now learn more and bank bigger.
He's implying that he doesn't know what he's doing, and throwing money at shit you don't understand is negative -EV. He's acting degenerate.

And a gambler as skilled as yourself clearly understands the stupidity of making a thread to celebrate a single win... "But how much did you lose"

I know what a straddle is and how it works. A straddle carries a lot of risk and anyone who is doing so off of a tip is nothing more than a glorified gambler.

Sorry, I didn't notice the part were he said he is a newcomer since I initially read the thread on my phone.

Yep, I completely agree that any trades shouldn't be placed unless you know exactly what you're doing no matter what anyone suggests. In this case, fortunately the OP picked up on a tip that was low risk for him so at least he dived face in into the trading game without exposing himself too much.
You guys seem concerned, maybe I should clarify that I did this just for fun and for the thrill ;)

Mgrunin, hope you banked today as well?
He's implying that he doesn't know what he's doing, and throwing money at shit you don't understand is negative -EV. He's acting degenerate.

And a gambler as skilled as yourself clearly understands the stupidity of making a thread to celebrate a single win... "But how much did you lose"
If I give you, like, 50 bucks, can you, like, double it for me and give me $100?
guys rheres nothing wrong with making money if u dont know what ur doing. just its not a way to go. if he had 4k$ 'to loose' he could risk it and if he was ready to waste thsi cash then its np.

u can play casino for fun as long as u wont die because of the looses.

some people can bet 4$ some peopel cna bet 4k$ and feel similar ;)
You guys seem concerned, maybe I should clarify that I did this just for fun and for the thrill ;)

Mgrunin, hope you banked today as well?

The funds I had allocated for the straddle yesterday actually went into further accumulation of Apple options.

I have withdrawn a big bulk of my trading capital since I'm working on a different strategy. I'm currently reading books on selling options; instead of what I'm doing now - buying options. Once I feel comfortable enough being on the selling side I'll hop right back in full force. But as for right now I'm just holding a midterm position on Apple.

Edit: This isn't an recommendation for anyone to hop into Apple this moment. Wait for the earning release tomorrow aftermarket. Q1 will be gigantic for Apple.
ameyer, if you want to keep this thread interesting, see if you're comfortable with the following plays.

Sprint Staddle
Priceline Straddle.

Sprint does report tomorrow before market opens so if you do play it you'll need to get into it before market close today. November expiration. $6 calls; $5.50 puts. Try the play with $2,000.