Just Lost my Azoogle AM

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I think I am on my 4th AM with Azoogle. It has changed so many times I've lost count. I don't typically talk to them though so it's not really that big a deal. Pretty damn good company however and they always take care of me.

I have Kasey right now. I wish I had saved the logs of our only conversation. I am convinced they have to turn the computer on for her in the morning because I doubt she could find the power button. This is all assuming she remembers what floor to get off the elevator to find her office.
Yeah I've got her and she's totally hooking me up. It's all about relationships. Come out of your cave and pick up the phone and talk. Ask questions, crack jokes, be nice and don't be a dick. If you're earning them money, then they're going to help YOU anyway they can. If you're earning $5 a day from ringtones and you act like a tool, you're not going to get much attention from your AM. Kasey has been the best AM I've had in a LONG time.
I have Kasey as well. When I started with Azoogle, she was nowhere to be found for a couple of months. Every time I asked them for a new AM, she would contact me and apologize, then disappear again.

For awhile, she started responding to emails again- but recently she hasn't responded to any of my emails. I know I could easily pick up the phone and call her, but I shouldn't have to- this is the internet, people should be pretty good as using email by now.

I think the guy who said this pretty much summed her up:

I have Kasey right now. I wish I had saved the logs of our only conversation. I am convinced they have to turn the computer on for her in the morning because I doubt she could find the power button. This is all assuming she remembers what floor to get off the elevator to find her office.

When I talk to her on AIM, I think she's a robot. If it's not a canned response- she will literally send a half a sentence that doesn't make sense, and then not respond for 30 minutes- if she doesn't sign off first. And I'm not joking with the half sentences. I don't mean she's just being short with me- she will say something like "I would suggest" and then I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for her suggestion and it never comes.

I have AM's on other networks that make an effort to contact me regularly whether I make them any money or not.

I always stuck with Azoogle because of everything else they do well, but lately it seems like the selection of offers is dwindling and the ones I do have success with disappear with no more than 24hrs notice.

I really hate using COPEAC's interface, but I guess I should get used to it...
I have audrey, but im pretty sure she is tier1.

I don't really send em that much traffic anymore due to slowwwwwwwwwww ass payments and slow ass stats updates
I recently got a new AM assigned as well, Jovan, who is out of NY. So far he has been great, very helpful and answered all my stupid questions.
I was without an AM for a long time after Moufid left in Toronto, but as soon as I started performing, I had a new AM the next morning (Jesse) in NY - he's been great so far.
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