Just Lost my Azoogle AM

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
So I basically don't have an AM right now at Azoogle. Does this mean that I won't get a check? And WTF is up...

A couple days ago they moved affiliate management from Toronto to NYC so it seems like there is a lot of shifting and re-organizing of AM's going on. It's also the weekend. Give it till Tuesday and then e-mail/call. My guess is that it will have no effect on you getting paid...
Same posts being made at other forums. Since I switched to copeac it's been smooooth sailing. If you do some digging you can find the same exact offers for a better payout elsewhere. Azoogle takes liek $2 margins on some offers (ringtones, etc)
I got a New York affiliate manager immediately after I lost my Canadian affiliate manager. There was no time when I didn't have one, it just kind of shifted overnight about a week ago. As soon as she was assigned to me she gave me a call and said that everything with payment was normal.
Yup I lost mine too. Glad to see I'm not in the boat alone. I emailed them a few days ago and they just said they were "shifting things around" and that they'd get me a new one asap. I'm still waiting though.

PS. Hi I'm new and this is my first post and I hope to hang out here more often.
Most likely if you stay with any company for a long period of time you are going to wind up changing affiliate managers. With azoogle I've had 3 or 4 over the last 4 or so years... There are lots of things that can cause it too.... AM quitting, getting promoted, etc....

I wouldn't worry about it too much, unless of course your AM was giving you ideas the equivelant of printing money.. just suck it up and move on.. chances are your next affiliate manager may have different ideas and it might be what you need to take your shit to the next level.
I used to have her ... she sucked. Useless.

I have AMs from a bunch of networks, and Kasey's right up there. Almost always available by phone, and returns voicemails and emails very quickly.

I'm pretty disappointed by Azoogle's recent moves (killing the rewards program without notice, dropping offers with little notice, etc) but Kasey's the reason I keep sending traffic to Azoogle :D
My new AM hasn't even replied to an e-mail I sent over a week ago. I've had two other AMs with Azoogle, and they both sent weekly CR/eCPC reports, which this new AM has yet to do...
Me too. I had Winkie and I wonder where she went.

Where's Winkie?!?!?!?!?!?
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