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Level 3
Dec 2, 2012
So if you haven't already gotten it, I got nailed by it today.

It's being called the "FBI Virus" and it blows. Not because it's difficult, it's so basic, but just royally pisses you off. Basically a landing page stays up on your monitor so you can do nothing but turn your computer on/off, or give someone $200. It's OBVIOUSLY a scam but apparently people are falling for it faster than wile e coyote when he runs past the last ledge of the grand canyon.

Anyway: People are talking it up to sell product as always, but here's the Easy Fix--->

Pull your internet cable/wireless card out and the program can't do shit. Restart in Safe Mode and use good 'ole mbam.exe to get rid of it. You can also system restore if you want to. Gotta go through the Programs/Accessories/System Tools route though.


I actually picked it up a couple of weeks ago when I was digging into someones backlinks.

The guy had a BL up in github which was something I hadn't seen before so I wanted to investigate it.

The github link was actually a redirect to the virus page. In the process of checking out the redirect and how it worked (I didn't understand that I was being set up at the time) I got infected.

Guess some people take protecting their search rankings pretty seriously.
Last site I was on was a forum for computer repair, ironically. :) I was searching for OS malfunction coding to repair a work platform laptop.
I'm pretty sure there was a thread about this on WF ages ago and it showed how much the scammers were earning, it was massive amounts.
I'm pretty sure there was a thread about this on WF ages ago and it showed how much the scammers were earning, it was massive amounts.

I imagine so. Each landing page 'requires' $100-$500. Even a shit conversion ratio would yield.
How the fuck do you people get viruses these days? Don't you have protection? Any decent anti-virus will prevent this shit. I haven't had a virus in 10 years, and I've surfed more webpages than 99.9% of the world's population.
How the fuck do you people get viruses these days? Don't you have protection? Any decent anti-virus will prevent this shit. I haven't had a virus in 10 years, and I've surfed more webpages than 99.9% of the world's population.

that you know of ;]

most ppl get pwned by browser based exploit packs like Crimepack/Blackhole/Bleeding Life/etc.

The key is to use a secure browser and have something like NoScript or etc.
I already had to fix a few computers with this on it. Afaik, it's always showing in the local language and has a local police logo on it. They must be making a lot of money.
How the fuck do you people get viruses these days? Don't you have protection? Any decent anti-virus will prevent this shit. I haven't had a virus in 10 years, and I've surfed more webpages than 99.9% of the world's population.

Not hard to get a virus under the radar. I imagine quite a large proportion of virus' aren't detected for months (shit you can code an encrypter without too much work).

It's a bit like the government and illegal drugs. They can clamp down on it and reduce it, but they can never remove the problem.
I think these can only install themselves if you inadvertently allow them to; ie. via a dialog box that pops up that says something (I don't remember what they say) with an OK button, which seems harmless enough but clicking OK actually allows the virus to install itself. Got hit with one of these a while back when I was checking out a bookmark on some filthy Pligg site; I just clicked OK 'cause I didn't know what the fuck was going on and suddenly LOCKDOWN INITIATED.

If you get one of those dialog boxes, you can get out of it safely by opening task manager and ending the browser process. You might be able to just X the dialog box as well but I wouldn't fuck with it.
I think these can only install themselves if you inadvertently allow them to; ie. via a dialog box that pops up that says something (I don't remember what they say) with an OK button, which seems harmless enough but clicking OK actually allows the virus to install itself. Got hit with one of these a while back when I was checking out a bookmark on some filthy Pligg site; I just clicked OK 'cause I didn't know what the fuck was going on and suddenly LOCKDOWN INITIATED.

If you get one of those dialog boxes, you can get out of it safely by opening task manager and ending the browser process. You might be able to just X the dialog box as well but I wouldn't fuck with it.

From what I remember it depends on the type of java driveby (if it is a driveby - it probably is though). Some require a user to click/ download, others launch automatically. Something to do with buffer overflow I remember.

It's not hard to set these up. Anyone can learn how to set one up within a day. It's just about having low enough morals to do it.