Junior Seau Dead???

This is crazy. I live about a mile and a half from his home. I'm friends with Junior's cousin and we would all surf and hang out on the beach in the summer. I know Junior struggled with some anger issues but I never saw anything like this happening. He was a hell of a linebacker and really a nice guy. Very sad.
From ESPN:

Seau is the eighth member of the 1994 Chargers, who reached the Super Bowl and lost to to the San Francisco 49ers, to die at a young age. He was predeceased by Chris Mims, David Griggs, Rodney Culver, Lewis Bush, Curtis Whitley, Shawn Lee and Doug Miller.

Man...talk about cursed. Gotta make you a bit nervous if you were on that team.
From ESPN:

Man...talk about cursed. Gotta make you a bit nervous if you were on that team.

Here is a good article:

Death Is Stalking The 1994 Chargers

Imagine being Doug Miller? You play for the Chargers, who's logo is a lightning bolt, and then you get HIT BY LIGHTNING. Not only that, but when CPR is being performed on you, Mother Nature gives you a big FUCK YOU and hits you with Lightning again.
This is all over the radio right now here in San Diego. Pretty shocking stuff. I had seen the guy a few times at a club I used to work at when I was younger and he was still playing for the chargers.
CTE dude...It's not selfish.

Sir, it is. Unless he left a note. His family is left wondering why, why, why. Also, they can't get insurance moola

His brain probably was messing with him. Roids? Too many hits? Who knows.

I know the public like talking aboout how much they make and never think about the abuse (it's their choice i know) they put on their body.

Imagine running into a brick wall since the age of 12...Tell me how your brain will function when you're 40.

some anger issue. really a nice guy.

Pick one.
Also, they can't get insurance moola

If I'm not mistaken, most life insurance policies only have a couple year clause on suicide. Obviously to prevent someone from getting a policy today and offing themselves next week for the cash.

In this case, if he had life insurance, I'm sure they won't deny the claim unless he just bought the policy recently.